  • Tag 9


    26. April 2017 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

    Well, I'm falling behind on my journaling. Not too surprising - lot of drivng going on from Lagos - Evora- Coimbra - and finally Porto. Took us longer than expected to navigate the IC2 out of Coimbra. Accidents and general slowdowns. Still we got to see all the backroads. Got very mountainous as we neared Coimbra. Tough haul on the little Toyota. Tried to drive onto the Campus - ho-ho ho - were lucky we ever escaped- driving nightmare! I should have filmed a video! Especially when I tried to enter a faculty parking lot with no entrance pass. That made the people behind me happy!! Finally found a free spot across the river to park (should have listened to Rick Steves suggestion for parking in the first place!). Trucked back into town to see the University library, known to be one of the great libraries of the world. ( - be sure to watch the video ) Claimed the longest and steepest set of stairs imaginable to get up there. Will have to post a photo! The library was ancient and magnificent as you can imagine - no photos allowed unfortunately. (But you will see the interior if you watch the video above)

    Afterwards strolled down through the town doing the usual gawking, shopping,eating.