  • Dag 6


    2 november 2018, Kroatië ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

    City Walk at 8:30 this morning. Staying a short distance from the old town at Hotel Lacroma. (… ) Got up for a humongous buffet breakfast and then took the bus to the city gates for our tour. Met by a big dude who was a fount of information about Dubrovnik. He was a soldier during the war (when he was around 22). Talked about the Serbs on the hill above Dubrovnik firing some 600+ missiles into the old town, doing all kinds of damage. Will post more pics as soon as they find their way to the Cloud and back onto my iPad which is easier to type on than my phone. Well some hours later and pics are still not going to the cloud and downloading back to my iPad, so I will plunge forth with some more details, and post the pics from my phone. After walking the entire wall around the old town, we went exploring. Stumbled into a Bosnian restaurant to eat some lunch, looked at the prices on the menu and said, “nope, we’re not paying $80 for lunch”, so went a bit further and stumbled onto a little hole in the wall that served me up a monstrous burger and fries and Janet some fried calamari (she could live on that stuff alone!). Had another nice Croatian beer. Another couple sat down next to us, so we struck up a conversation with them (in all of our travels, I have found this necessary - rarely does someone start a conversation with you, so I just go for it) and it turns out he is an ENT doc and she is a graphic designer who live in Eugene, Oregon (which they love and who wouldn’t?). Of course I had to pounce on him and ask him a question about my tinnitus to which he briefly said - good luck and cross your fingers it goes away. Not too surprised at that answer! They were driving all over but started asking me about river cruising, as they were getting older. Gave my AAA pitch - apparently he works next door to AAA, so maybe they’ll get some business!

    After lunch, strolled around some more, taking lots of pics, until we decided to go find the ice cream shop the guide talked about, but then I - throwing diabetic caution to the wind, decided to embark on some dessert crepes. Wow, delicious, but was surprised I didn’t start having the shakes!! Janet had some salted peanut ice cream, which was delicious. Decided we had better walk some more, so headed out, but after awhile, decided we’d better catch the bus back to the hotel. Jumped on the #6 bus and stumbled into a few other Gate1 folks, so we all managed to get out at the right bus stop. Got back to the hotel and then spent the next few hours with Sarah and Mignon drinking some wine in the hotel bar and amusing them with some of our outrageous stories of our crazy past. Doesn’t look good on a resume, but makes for great stories! LOL

    Finally went to bed!
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