The Wedding Beach

Tucked away in a small valley lies a small beach with a small church and a large tavern. Kyprianos, for some a great place for a wedding and for others a nice habitat of sand and rocks. The shallowsRead more
Tucked away in a small valley lies a small beach with a small church and a large tavern. Kyprianos, for some a great place for a wedding and for others a nice habitat of sand and rocks. The shallowsRead more
Finally we take a deep dive into Zorgos bay. Big boulders under water offer plenty of shelter for interesting fish. An old swell from the north brings in gentle waves and small fish play in the surf.Read more
Route No. 20 of Androsroutes takes us past Zorgos Beach (Today no snorkeling for me), up a small ridge and down again through a dry river valley. Towards the end of the valley and a steep cliff theRead more
Getting up very early for the perfect sunrise?! Not for everyone indeed but this time it was totally worth it! The lighthouse of Chora sits on top of a rocky island and is probably the prettiestRead more
This trip takes us to Megali Peza. A beach located in the north coast of Andros. Accessible by dirt road this is a great beach for snorkeling in southern winds or wave riding in northern winds. SomeRead more
My first stop takes me to the beautiful bay of Fellos. A long sandy beach with lush under water fields of Poseidonia seagrass and large patches of sand ripples. Some areas of the larger tripple bayRead more