10 days of adventures, while we make our way out to Vancouver and back with Grandma Amy, Aunty Andra, Harper and Onyx. This is Ariella and Atlas's first major road trip and my first time going to Vancouver and our longest trip as a family unit so far Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 1

    Royal Tyrell Museum

    16. elokuuta 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    We left bright and early at 4:15am this morning. Although the kids barely slept on the drive, we did make good time and made it to Drumheller by noon.
    The kids ran off a lot of energy at the museum and loved looking at the "saurs" as Atlas would call them. Ariella was quite nervous beforehand about there being real dinosaurs there.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 1


    16. elokuuta 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    After a quick car nap for the kids, we stopped at the Hoodoos for a hike. Myself and Atlas made it higher than I expected, but he needed a bit of a break, so we cut it off early. However, Chris and Ariella, made it to the top. The pictures looking down are ones that Chris took.
    And now we are off to Calgary for the next 2 nights.
    2 notes about the video. There's no volume because Atlas was having some big feelings. And Chris is in the red tank top at the top.
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  • Päivä 2

    Calaway Park

    17. elokuuta 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Today, we spent the whole day at Calaway Park. As far as I know, this is my first time at Calaway Park. Mom and Dad, you can correct me if I'm wrong. If it's not, then this is the first time I remember it anyway!
    Anyways, it was a day filled with a lot of rides. Atlas struggled with being too short to go on all the rides. But the ones that he could go on, he loved! Ariella went on a lot of rides as well. She even did Timber Falls with Harper, Grandma Amy, and myself. If you're not familiar, think a bigger version of the Niagra Falls ride that comes to the exhibition. If you're not familiar with that, it's a roller coaster that drives through the water and has some large downhill drops where you get splashed. Although her and Harper were quite scared after the first drop, by that point, there was no turning back. We are all so proud of the girls for sticking it out. Andra ended up purchasing the picture because it was just too good not to buy. I'll have to share that picture another time.
    I am also so proud of the kids as they did a number of rides all bu themselves. We managed to stay until the very end of the day.

    We had to run into Calgary for a few things, so now the kids are sleeping in the car since they are wiped out from a big day.
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  • Päivä 3

    Downhill Karting by Skyline

    18. elokuuta 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Update coming up a little late. We had a long day of activities, travelling and navigating as we entered the mountains.

    After a very windy night at our campground, we were surprised to see all of our tents standing in the morning. We ate breakfast and packed up our campsite. We then made our way into Calgary to do some downhill Karting before we hit the road to head towards Revelstoke. This was incredibly fun! They do this at the Canada Olympic Park. Fortunately, their minimum age requirement is 2 years old, which meant Atlas could ride. But they must be able to walk on their own, fit into a helmet, and follow directions. This made sense when I was riding up the chair lift with Atlas, and I experienced a new level of anxiety, having him up there so high with me. Again, to our fortune, he sat extremely well. Once we got to the top, we got a quick run down of how the karts worked, and they sent us on our way down the hill.
    Ride #1. We got a feel for the karts, and the track.
    Ride #2. We stuck together for a quick pic on the track and the races began. Chris and Ariella took an early lead, but myself at Atlas did some pretty slick maneuvering down the hill snd were only beaten by a hair.
    Ride #3. Grandma and Onyx took the lead, but again, we maneuvered our way to them and took the lead. We thought we lost Chris and Ariella after they crashed into a barricade, but somehow, they managed to catch us. But we still managed to win that race.
    I would definitely do this again. We then started our trek towards Revelstoke.
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  • Päivä 3

    Johnston Canyon and on to Revelstoke

    18. elokuuta 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    En route to Revelstoke, we stopped at Johnston Canyon in Banff National Park.
    We packed the kids up into the stroller, told Chris we didn't need rain gear, and off we went. It was absolutely beautiful. The path was narrow and busy with people, but it was so worth the stop.
    The lower falls were just over 1km away and the upper falls were just under 2.5km away. So we started our trek.
    The rain started on our walk to the lower falls. But it was a very refreshing and much needed rain. It did not let up.
    Pictures don't do justice for how amazing the view of the lower falls was. We spotted the stairs going to the upper falls and decided that that route wasn't going to be for us since we had the stroller and we were already soaked in rain. We made our 1K hike back to the parking lot.
    Unfortunately for us, we froze our butts off on the next trek to Lake Louise. Don't worry, the kids didn't get wet on the walk, so they weren't quite as cold as us.
    We stopped for a delicious korean/japanese dinner in Golden. The only downside to that outting was that our crew had a major case of the spillies. 2 full glasses of water and a bowl of soup fell victim to us.
    We had a long winding, dark drive to Revelstoke. And for the night, we stayed at the Frontier Motel.
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  • Päivä 4

    What to do next?

    19. elokuuta 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    This was a very hard day. We woke up and quickly learned about the state of the fires in the Okanagan, especially around Kelowna. The fires in the area grew one hundred fold in just 24 hours. Thousands more were evacuated from their homes in Kelowna. We spent the day at The Enchanted Forest (I will update a footprint on that later), and while we were there, BC issued travel restrictions to the central interior portion of the province. We expected to have to change our plans, and Chris and I really wavered back and forth about turning back. Highway 1 was closed for a portion of the drive due to the Lower East Adams Lake Wildfire. After a lot of planning and an immense amount of emotions, we decided to go on with a detour to bypass the fires in the area and avoid stops in the central interior of the province. We have planned for alternate routes out of the area and are going to keep our ears to the ground about the changing conditions.
    We were fortunate enough to get into our campground 1 day early. So we pulled into Capilano River RV Park around 1:30am. Set up one of three tents and crashed for the night.
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  • Päivä 4

    Enchanted Forest

    19. elokuuta 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Coming at you with a very delayed entry. We have been in Vancouver for a couple days ans been keeping ourselves very busy. I would normally be updating these in the car, but I am usually trying to follow the GPS along with Chris to get us through the city. Hence, there hasn't been much time to update.

    Anyways, here is Enchanted Forest. I know we visited the Enchanted Forest as kids, and truly, nothing felt very familiar to me while we were there. However, seeing some of the sights did remind me of pictures that I have seen of us as kids. It took both Ari and Atlas a bit of time to warm up, but after a while, they were getting excited to see all the houses they could explore in and out of and the characters.
    We went on the hike attached to the Enchanted Forest, and the kids loved finding walking sticks to help them along.
    After we got back from the hike and we finished the rest of the Enchanted Forest. We went to the parking lot and set up to have a picnic lunch. We needed the fuel for the next adventure. Atlas napped on Chris while we ate. When we finished lunch, we made our way up to Skytrek Adventure Park, which was just above the Enchanted Forest. Our kids were able to do 2 of the activities, the Kids Sky Gym and the Fun Slide.
    Sky Gym was very cool. It was a lot of different suspension bridges, with nets underneath, for the kids to climb across. After the first few bridges, Ariella and Atlas got a lot more confident and began doing them on their own. Harper helped us along while Onyx lapped us a few times to get as many rides on the zipline at the end as he could.
    We reached the end of the course, and unfortunately, parents were not allowed to ride the zipline. I made my way to the end and got to watch Atlas zip down the line to me. Ariella felt that she wanted to me more cautious and opted to take the stairs down instead.
    We played at the Fun Slide next. This was a long slide with humps on it that you ride down in a potato sack. Normally, our kids like slides, but I think the potato sack made it a little bit too intense. One slide down was enough for both Ariella and Atlas.
    We watched Harper and Onyx do one more round at the Sky Gym course. Then we made our way back down to hit the road since we had a long drive ahead of us.
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  • Päivä 5

    Capilano River RV Park

    20. elokuuta 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    A little about our campsite. We are camping in North Vancouver beside the Capilano River and to the west of the Lions Gate Bridge. The campsite is neat, as it is right in the city, but feels very private since it's treed in. We can hear the sounds of the traffic, especially on the bridge through the night, but we are used to listening to white noise, so I think it's actually helping the kids sleep.
    The campsite closes down at 11pm and is surrounded by an 8ft fence, so it feels very secure. There is a park, a pool, a jacuzzi, laundry services, and a lounge (not a drinking lounge, just a hangout spot).
    There are some neat campsites here, clearly from people who have very long stays.
    I think one of the most interesting things we have seen here is 2 massive motorhome rigs. They almost look like garbage trucks. But when I looked it up on Google to research what it was, I learned you could buy one for yourself for a cool $1.85 million. Actually, I only found one for sale online. It is used, located in Europe, and would cost 1.94 million CAD. These seem like a luxury to travel in, especially if you are planning on taking them through some tough terrain.
    The kids have enjoyed the pool and the park a lot. Atlas especially loves hearing the airplanes and the helicopters flying through the air.
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  • Päivä 5

    Harbour Centre Lookout Tower

    20. elokuuta 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Okay, once again, I am a few days behind, as we have kept our days in Vancouver packed full. So here we go with our updates from our Vancouver adventures.

    The first full day that we spent in Vancouver was a great day to reset ourselves from the stress of the previous day. We cleaned ourselves up, played at the park, swam at the pool, did laundry, and planned one outting to the Vancouver Harbor Lookout. They closed early on this day, and the last glass elevator went up at 5:30. We left our campsite around 4:30 to start our 30-minute drive over there. Enter Vancouver traffic. We moved about 1 block in 15 minutes, so we knew this route wasn't going to work.
    We rerouted ourselves to come at the lookout tower from the other direction. This moved a little quicker, but we were still in traffic. We miss a turn. We miss another turn. Now we are on East Hastings driving towards the lookout. If you haven't heard about East Hastings, there is a span of about 5 blocks between Hastings and Princess to Hastings and Carrall where a lot of the homeless in the city live and hang out I'm not sure if there are any laws enforced there or if it is all fair game. Either way, it was something like we've never seen before. The sidewalks were filled with people, and many of them passed out. Some selling things like shirts or knick knacks. Although it was heartbreaking to see, I think it was a real eye opener for us.

    Anyways, back to the Vancouver Lookout. We find parking downtown around 5:25 and run. We make it into the building where things look pretty closed up. However, someone was there, and since we prebought our tickets, we were allowed up.
    It was so cool to see the city from this view. The kids loved watching the planes flying onto the water and seeing all the boats in the Harbour.
    We got to watch a massive barge being towed by, what looked like in comparison, a tiny tug boat. A lot of rooftops looked very luxurious, with plants, seating, and trees. We also got to see some pretty cool architecture in downtown Vancouver.
    We were ready to head back down, and we decided to go for a quick walk downtown. There were lots of people dressed up in anime cosplay, so we assumed there was an expo of some sorts around. We got a little taste of some of the street culture as we listened to entertainers singing as well.
    When our meter ran out on our parking, we headed back to our campsite for supper and bed.
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  • Päivä 6


    21. elokuuta 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    We planned a little better for the traffic and left early for Stanley Park. This gave us a lot of time to park, use bathrooms, get a coffee, and chase some birds. Plus, we got a bit of a walk in, before the Aquarium.
    The aquarium was absolutely massive, and very dim, so I sure am glad Grandma Amy planned ahead with outfits for our kids that were easy to spot.
    There were about 4 main exhibits, and I won't go onto full detail on them as I could write for hours about it. So here are the highlights. We got to watch (and luckily got a video of) a sea otter taking a 💩 and playing with it. Take this as your trigger warning for this footprints video. There was an extremely dramatic sea lion we could hear the minute we stepped outside. An axolotl, sloths, monkeys, turtles, frogs, and about 1 million fish. I'm definitely missing a lot since it was massive. But it was a really fun way to spend the majority of our day.
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