  • Dag 6

    New Year's Day in Harajuku

    1 januari 2018, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    Today we lined up with hundreds of others at a shrine to wish for good fortune, and drink some more amazake. By way of contrast we also walked down Takeshita Street in Harajuku, home of all the most kawaii shops in Tokyo. Ivy felt she had found her spiritual home among the Hello Kitty, Paris Kids, and Cosplay Costume shops and the crepe stalls. The rest of us just felt a bit overwhelmed and exhausted - the street was pumping from end to end and ringing with the high pitched twangy voices of salesgirls.
    Almost forgot about this morning. We went down to do some washing at the coin-op laundry around the corner which happened to be next door to an urban Sentou. Russ and Henry popped in to the men's baths (after an awkward explanation to the cashier that Henry was a boy not a girl) and then convinced Ivy and I to go in. It was mostly older Japanese women a little bemused by us I think.
    Our New Year's dinner was sourced entirely from the supermarket - soba, teriyaki chicken and sushi - delish !
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