  • Giorno 27

    We Made It To The Tip

    24 maggio 2017, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    On Friday the boys went on a fishing charter and we went on a walk around some man made lakes to see if we see anything interesting. For tea we had the Queenfish that Henk caught. The next day on Saturday we left Weipa and headed to a campsite on the Southern Bypass Road near the Heathlands Ranger Station. On the way we stopped at Fruit Bat Falls. At Fruit Bat we jumped off the waterfall (it is only about 1.5 metres tall.) That night we stayed at a truck stop on the Southern Bypass Road near the Heathlands Ranger Station. We had chops cooked on the fire pot for tea. At Mutee Head we met 2 kids named Lincoln and Zara, we played with them for the rest of the day. We stayed at Mutee Head for 2 nights. On the day we were leaving Mutee Head we went up to see a World War II Radar Tower. The next day we drove to Seisia, we stayed five nights. On Wednesday we got up at 5:00 o'clock to drive out to The Tip for sunrise. We didn't see it be has it was cloudy. At The Tip there was lots of plaques. They were memorials of people. When got back to the car park we made breakfast and ate on the beach. After breakfast we drove a little bit down the road to the old abandoned lodge to look for an old bird watching tower that used to part of the lodge. We didn't end up finding it. After going to The Tip we went to the Croc Tent. At the Croc Tent I bought a pen with Cape York Australia written on it and a badge for my Scout camp blanket. Ben bought a cap with Cape York written on it. And we also got a Cape York ruler. After being at Croc Tent we drove to Punsand Bay. At Punsand Bay we went for a swim in the pool, Lincoln and Zara were there so we played with them. We had wood fired pizza for tea. The next day we went out in the boat for a couple hours and sorted out when we were going to do the Torres Strait Tour. On Friday we didn't do much, Ben and I did some school work and played some games. Henk and Dad had gone fishing the Jacky Jacky River.Leggi altro