  • Dag 6

    Hangzahu to Shanghai

    4. mai 2019, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    We started the day at the premier tea farm in China - they were very proud of a 25 year old photo of Queen Elizabeth drinking their tea. At $A550 a kg, Matt decided he would stick to Twinings English Breakfast! The tea plantions climbing the hills were beautiful with the early morning sun shining on them.

    We then headed to a UNESCO heritage lake and garden for a peaceful cruise before jumping back on the bus and heading for Shanghai. We arrived at our next hotel at 4pm and were given the option of chilling, or taking the bus in to town to see an acrobat show. Most of the bus chose to chill - and so did we.

    We walked around a garden park and watched an old lady catching small fish for her tea and then met an even older man who was very excited to see us and insisted on getting his photo with us. He rolled up his pants leg and took off his artificial leg to show us, and when we showed interest in this, he lifted his shirt to show us bullet holes and stab scars. A very interesting afternoon with the locals.

    After a Tequilla Sunrise (or three) we walked around the local supermarket taking photos (bloody tourists) and then headed to bed for a big sleep before a very long day tomorrow.
    Les mer