  • День 52

    Budapest Zoo

    21 октября 2019 г., Венгрия ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Yesterday afternoon, we went to the Budapest zoo. Which is one of the oldest zoos in the world. It was established in 1866. The first animals we saw were the orangutans. The orangutans had a playground that included ropes to swing on and logs to climb as well as places for them to sleep. The playground looked very fun. We even saw an orangutan somersaulting down a hill. They kind of reminded me of little kids playing. There were two adults, one of which seemed very old and grumpy and two kids. The gorillas had a similar area to live in.

    Next we saw two hippos. We only saw the back of one of the hippos because he was under water, but the other one, we saw its head, but it never fully came out of the water. We did see its teeth, which seemed very large, although not sharp. We also saw yaks, warthogs and anteaters, which are very funny looking animals. Next, we saw zebras and flamingos. The flamingos were standing on one leg to sleep and they are able to bend their knees the opposite way that we do. We also so lots of rodents, who seemed to have lots of space to live in. We also saw some very unhappy rhinoceros’; I think they were lonely because there were three of them but they were kept in separate pens. We also saw 5 giraffes and I think their space should have been three times the size!

    We also went into a botanical garden for lizards. The lizards were very interesting looking. Some of them were bigger, some of them were smaller and all of them had very interesting colors. We also went into a butterfly museum and saw some very pretty butterflies. There weren’t any monarch butterflies which made me happy because those are the only ones I see in Yellowknife.

    I like the zoo but wish that the animals could be in the wild instead of being locked up in cages. How would you like it if a Rhino locked you up and stared at you taking lots of photos and hope you will do something interesting?

    To get to the zoo we took a very old metro. It felt like we were transported back in time because it was so old. The metro was super loud and squeaky.


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    Hier après midi on est allé au zoo de Budapest. Quand on est arrivé le premier animaux qu'on a vu été les Orangutans il y avait 2 bébé et 2 adultes, un des adultes été vraiment vieille. Les Orangutans avait une place pour jouer il y avait des cordes et des chose qu’ils pouvez grimper desu. Les Gorilles avait un place similar. Puis on a vu des Yacks et des Warthogs puis on a vu des Hippopotames. Il y avait 2 Hippopotames les Hippopotames na pas sortie de l’eau complètement mais on a vu leur bouche et leur dos. Après ça on a vu des Zébre, 1 Elephant et des Flamingo. On a aussi vu des Rhinocéros mais il ne regarder pas heureux. Puis on a vu des Girafes qui n’avait pas assez d'espace du tout! On a grimper des escalier et on a vu des animaux qui regarder comme un combinaison d’un renard et un loup il grognait à nous. On a vu des Ostrich il regarder vraiment drôle je pense qu’ils étaient les animaux preferer de ma mere. Après on a vu des phoques et 2 ours polairs. Je ne pense pas que les ours polaires été heureux parce que c’est trop chaud. La dernière chose qu’on a fait été d'aller voir des lezar.
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