  • Hari 5

    Nambiti Game Reserve

    11 April 2017, Afrika Selatan ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    We stayed at Elephant Rock Lodge which had 5 lodges with a maximum of 10 guests. It was a very impressive lodge with a lookout deck over a watering hole and a cosy lounge area with a real fire. We went on the afternoon game drive as soon as we arrived observing kudo, warthog, African fish eagle, zebra, wilder beast, elephant, impala, giraffe and a huge herd of water buffalo. We stopped for sundowners and I had my first savannah light, a sparkly cider which is really popular in SA and that I drank for the remainder of the trip. It started to rain so it was on with the ponchos and the torch as it was dark. Our game driver Steph managed to spot lions eyes and we stopped to all take a look. Our lodge was amazing, double outdoor showers, a huge bathtub looking out at the bush, walk in wardrobe and all with really tasteful traditional African decor. I loved coming back from evening game drives for a shower and the staff had completed a turn down service on the huge comfy bed. The food was amazing and we totally indulged over the next couple of days enjoying 3 course meals each evening and full breakfast options along with quiches, salads and ice cream at lunch. The lodge had a really nice pool area and deck to chill at during the day and we were out for game drives 6-9am and 3:30-6:30pm each day. I don't think I could go back to a zoo after seeing animals in their natural habitat eating, drinking, looking after their young and stalking pray. On the second day we were lucky enough to watch two lions stalk and attach some rhino, no kills which I was actually pretty glad about as think it would have been too gory for me. The reserve have some strict policies with regards to keeping enough distance from animals and it's clear this has worked to develop a sound understanding of their behaviour and patterns.

    The proposal ❤️

    On our last night after getting back from an evening game drive that was unfortunately very wet and windy bailey got down on one knee. I was completely unsuspecting not even noticing his strange behaviour of downing a sherry, a drink he had previously spat out, before going back to our lodge. He had the room covered with candles, rose petals and champagne on ice. It was the perfect end to our stay at Nambiti.
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