France to Spain 2019

maj 2019 - juni 2024
Motorhome adventure to northern Spain via French Atlantic coast Läs mer
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  • 2,9kkilometer
  • Dag 33

    Swapping religion for God's country...

    27 juni 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Had a slightly disturbed night as a group of Belgian motorbikers roared into the campsite late last night and set up a big table outside a cabin near us and drank till the wee hours. However earplugs saved the day.
    Up and away after brekky, still chasing northwards where it is supposedly a wee bit cooler.
    The scenery changed from dry flat yellow plains with scattered towns with storks on belltowers, to rolling green hills, and then at last we were in the mountains in the southern foothills of the Picos. We had a lovely journey through valleys and meadows, where wild horses were grazing.
    Our campsite choice was a bit of a worry. It had a poor website with no recent reviews but it is STUNNING.
    We have mountains all around, a huge reservoir below, a great campsite with a lovely owner.
    Ian BBQd white beans tonight for our Tuna salad.
    Climbed the hills above the campsite after dinner to watch the sun go down. Perfect.
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  • Dag 34

    Bison lost in translation

    28 juni 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Up early to get a bike ride into the mountains before it got too hot. We swept over the bridge and up towards the dam that supports the reservoir. Then an uphill road to a tiny village called Remolina, which is nestled in between the crags. Had a completely incomprehensible conversation with an old lady as we sat in the square.
    Bit of a slog back to Riano but beautiful.
    We were back in the campsite by 2pm and had lunch in the shade.
    In the late afternoon we went back down to the village and went on a boat ride to the far reaches of the reservoir. We were told we might see bison but, as usual, we saw nothing. We think that the "bison" might be deer....
    Flogged up the hill to the campground again for alfresco dinner and watched the sun set behind the mountains.
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  • Dag 35

    Apologies to the bison

    29 juni 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    The bison do exist after all.
    2 years ago 4 of them were introduced into the area round the reservoir along with a bunch of water buffalo. They had been badly treated somewhere and a couple of the rest of the herd had been beheaded by undesirables somehow... So now they have the whole Picos to roam.
    We cycled out along the lake northbound and visited a couple of the villages that had been relocated when the valley was flooded. They had saved their church facades and their bells and we saw some of the old roads and cemeteries peeping out of the water
    Managed to scrounge a coffee out of a very quiet hostel. Hard to keep saying spectacular scenery but it was indeed.
    Back to town with just enough time to visit the ethnographic museum in town.
    Fascinating place. Every house that was lost was photographically archived on the walls along with the names of the owners. Also there was a display on the walls of the Kings of Leon from 10th century to the 13th century. Never realised before now that the band was named after them.
    Back up the hill in the searing heat. Cachophony of jet skis on the lake in the village below, along with Saturday motorbikers screaming around the mountain bends.
    Then the wind whipped up and the clouds rolled in. Cool at last .
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  • Dag 36

    The road to nowhere

    30 juni 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Moving on to the coast today. There are not many routes through the mountains but we chose a relatively major one. Well half way along, as we went through a steep and windy gorge, the road was stopped. They'd just covered up the signs and said no entry. So we had to take a long and scary, much windier, much narrower, much steeper route up into the mountain mists. In some parts the road had fallen away into the gorge, in others there were rocks which had fallen from above. There was very little traffic so we had no idea if we were going to end up on a dirt track. Anyway we made it down after some angst and about 90 minutes added to our journey. I had thought that the scary stuff was finished.
    On to Ribadesella on the northern coast. Got settled in and then walked a few km into town. Strolled the long promenade to the port and people watched the Spanish families doing their Sunday thing.
    We sipped cold white wine listening to a choir practising in the bar next door.
    Then a steep hike back home for dinner.
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  • Dag 37

    Cantabrian calm

    1 juli 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    After our night in the fairly busy seaside town, we packed up and cruised on to the north-facing foothills of the Picos nearer to Santander.
    We are in a lovely, rural, unspoilt campsite with lots of space and friendly hosts.
    We jumped on the bikes and spent the afternoon exploring all the local villages. We actually met a man walking in clogs on stilts. They are designed to avoid mud and cow poo apparently.
    Went to a village where the river emerges from the rocks of the mountain and is controlled by a fairy and the village has a list of the dates when the fairy has stopped the flow in the last 30 years.
    Possible the cowbells will keep us awake tonight..
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  • Dag 38

    A hill too far?

    2 juli 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Forecast not great for today but we set off on the bikes regardless up the Vale of Cabuérniga.
    15 solid uphill miles and, after a couple of thousand feet of climbing and a lot of sweating and swearing, we emerged at a viewpoint.....but the view was in the clouds.
    We had a picnic there in the company of a rather unfetching deer statue.
    Our return journey down into the valley was quicker but we were both numb with cold most of the way. We had to keep stopping for me to put my hands in Ian's armpits as I couldn't grip the brakes (essential).
    Back to the campsite for a hot shower and final camping dinner (curry of course). It is hard to imagine that this is our last night in the van this trip. Feels like home...
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  • Dag 39


    3 juli 2019, England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Packed up and off down the road to Santander. We left the van in the ferry terminal and headed off along the promenade. Had a leisurely coffee in the sun and then we walked a couple of km along the front to the Maritime museum. We came here with the kids many years ago. The cost of entry included a cut-price menu del dia in their lovely rooftop restaurant so we idled over that, watching the windsurfers and the sailing lessons before looking round the museum and the aquarium below. It was a very restful way to spend our last day.
    Then all aboard for our mini cruise home.
    Broken night's sleep though Ian said the sea was as flat as Winterbourne pond. I dispute that.
    We treated ourselves to a posh breakfast cos we had a discount card and then spent the rest of the day sitting on deck in the sun trying to spot dolphin. And f **k my old boots we actually saw some playing in the wake waves at the back of the boat! Knowing our luck wildlife spotting, what were the chances of that?
    Brittany ferries pulling out all the stops with accordian players and free cider barmaids wandering the decks.
    Lovely end to a great trip.
    Adiós Espana. Back soon.....x
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