  • Hari 4

    Halong bay

    4 Julai 2018, Vietnam ⋅ 🌬 32 °C

    Halong Bay is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been too. The scenery looks like a post card no matter where you look.
    We got on an boat [where we would be spending the night] in an harbour and drove out into this amazing view. When the boat docked we went on a smaller one too head out too a cave which was impressive. From there we got too an small island with a beautiful beach and a hill we could climb for an even more astonising view. We took our time climbing and swimming and after that we got on the boat real quick just in time for the most amazing sunset of my life. If I had just seen this and nothing else in vietnam I would still be happy with my trip.
    The chef then prepared fresh sea food on the boat and even squid is great when prepared by this genius in this scenary.
    After waking up the next morning we went kajaking in the bay but sadly didn't saw any monkeys still was loads of fun.
    And much too soon it was time too say goodbye too halong Bay even though I definitely hope too be back some day.
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