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    To Carnavon

    28. Mai 2021 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Left accommodation at 7am for bagel breakfast at Quiet Life Cafe, which was very busy for so early in the morning.
    Ruby met a couple from Cape Town, now living in Dunsborough and got chatting, and chatting and chatting.

    Ruby: In my defence, he spoke to me first. Then we had to exchange stories, get tips about camping and tents, all very important early morning before long drive stuff.

    It would have been rude of Ruby to not speak to the couple. ( And rude I'm not, not this morning, anyway).

    Up the North West Coastal Highway, the effects of cyclone seroja were very evident and sad.
    At Northampton, we checked out the free campground, only to find it closed. There were lots of fallen tree and branches. Would have been a lovely spot, just by the golf course.

    We detoured to Hamelin pools on the way to Carnavon. The boardwalk out to the stromatolites was totally destroyed.

    Arrived at Carnarvon at 3pm and checked into a lovely unit. Now sitting at Carnarvon Hotel with a drink, waiting for the sun to set.