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  • Dia 7–17

    Yerevan- die pinke Stadt

    12 de maio, Armênia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    After an adventurous overnight train ride connecting Tbilissi and the armenian capital Yerevan, we reached what was the original plan for this trip. Armenia- home country to two of my dearest friends and at the same time a place i never considered going before meeting them.
    Yerevan is our base (same as for more than 1/3 of the Armenian population in their country). From here we will take the next 10 days to try as much local food as possible and explore the country that was the first to adopt Christianity, that is full of extremely christian traditions and beautiful churches and territorial specificities.
    The armenian national symbol is the Ararat mountain, a mountain rage that used to be Armenian territory, but is now behind the border to Turkey. Usually covered in clouds it is beautiful to look at when the skies are clear and the full pride of the Armenian population.

    Yerevan is build in a certain rock called 'duf' almost entirely and is therefore called the pink city. It is way more majestic and full of huge, but beautifjl, old Soviet buildings than the Georgian capital Tbilissi. It feels like a big metropole and is still entirely walkable. Everything feels safe and comfortable and the people are friendly.
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