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  • Day 14

    Sodwana Bay Foundation Lodge

    January 18, 2023 in South Africa ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

    Little Foundation is a beautiful traditional Roundval house which I call my African home.
    Waking up there hearing the sea 🌊 in the distance and the birds in the trees is a sound I always look forward to coming to South Africa.
    To day is going to be a beautiful busy one.
    We have all the houses that we are going to be building in 2023 as a charity to visit and check that the families are happy with them been completed. The first stop though is the house that donated by Moon Hall school in Dorking. I take a little video to be able to show the children of Moon Hall. The little girl that lives there is so happy and keeps looking at me. I'm sure she wonders, who is this strange man. We are so proud to be carrying out the work for many schools and community groups.
    Then the rest of the day is spent visiting all the families that we will be building houses for this year 2023. 8 of them.....
    For many reason this is such a hard day as we do not have enough money to build them all. But Witt a lot of networking and public speaking upon my return we hope to be able to raise the funds.
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