  • Dag 1

    Servus & bye bye FindPenguins team

    12. november 2018, Tyskland ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Hey guys,

    I’m Phileas, but my friends call me Phil. I'm about one week old and a stuffed penguin. Down to the present day I’ve worked at the FindPenguins office at Gärtnerplatz, Munich. I can't complain about my job or colleagues, actually, the FindPenguins team is really awesome. But office routine is just not for me, so I asked for a sabbatical. At first, my boss Tobias wasn’t too happy about letting go his best employee (and the one and only real penguin in the team). But I can be very persuasive and a real pain in the ass. And luckily Tobias is a dedicated globetrotter with much understanding for wanderlust. So he agreed to my travel plans after all.

    And now? Now, I’m about to explore the world. Not for the first time, though. Quite a while ago, I travelled the world in 80 days. But let me tell you, the whole journey was too much of a rush. Not chilled at all. This time I’m much less ambitious. I’ll just go wherever the road takes me. No plans, no intent in arriving.

    So stay tuned & follow my footprints. Here my farewell photo with the fantastic FindPenguins people.
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