  • Hari 29

    Nha Trang

    2 April 2017, Kamboja ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    In nha trang we visited Cham towers and a Pagoda as well as snorkel! So it went pretty quick as we were quite busy. Cham towers was nice, pretty scenery though we had some stresses with trying to find the bus back to our hostel so just gave up and got a cab. The pagoda has some vast surroundings. And the Snorkeling (which I unfortunately could not do) was according to Katie, a fun experience. She saw fishes of all sorts and got to swim in clear blue sea. I stayed on the rocky boat taking pictures and watching while trying not to get sea sick! Luckily I didn't however one girl threw up loads! They also jumped off the boats top deck but me and katie decided not to as well...dare devil is not something that is associated with us. At our hostel they did a free hour of beer so we took advantage of that and had a few beers most nights while looking out at the mountains.Baca selengkapnya