  • День 8

    Pizza n Chips...on the pizza

    13 февраля 2020 г., Мексика ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    13th February. Pizza with chips (on the pizza). Loreto.

    Our meal out was meant to be in a traditional place that has no menu and just serves you up whatever the lady of the house is putting together that day. It turned out to be closed. I was a bit disappointed as I was looking forward to an opportunity to experiment and get inquisitive. Our alternative turned out to be an ok pizza (with chips on it?!)- our first non Mexican food we've eaten (out-with our truck, Spud)- but it took an hour to arrive by which time any notion of a nice romantic meal was starting to slide into tiredness, as it was past our standard bedtime or 8pm.

    In Latin America, when it comes to pizza, and maybe even cooking in general, the concept of 'less is more' isn't particularly well understood or practised. So, in the case of pizza, excess cheese is an issue. Yet, we never seemed to bloody learn before. Better now, as we're rarely eating food that isn't traditional for the place we're in.

    A theme that's underpinning my current thinking of how principles such as 'less is more' might translate into whatever I do down the line, is refinement. I like the idea of taking authentic dishes and, whilst keeping them authentic regards flavour profile and, to an extent, texture, improving elements to turn out a more precise product with more distinction in the elements. The test that it should still pass is that someone from the place would still be able to recognise and connect with the dish and see it as a respectful nod. It has to be close enough to the original as well, because I want to be able to say, with integrity, that what I am serving is a real slice of the place. Authenticity is the differentiator that has the power to create an opportunity at home in the UK with Latin American cookery, but precision is what can take it to the next level, should that be the kind of product I decide I want to create. Ask most people what they think of when you say Mexican cuisine, and it'll probably be Fajitas, or other more Tex Mex varietals. I can't wait to serve people Mole, the rich and massively varied sauce from Oaxaca with all it's complex spices and chocolate (in some cases).
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