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  • Dag 36

    Bye bye, America

    25 juni 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Today we woke up and went to have breakfast at a biscuit restaurant. I had fried chicken, an egg, bacon and American gravy on a biscuit, which was actually a little ridiculous. It was yum though. We had one last catch up and hug then it was time for Jensen to go home sadly! Jamie and I walked around Disney Springs which is the restaurant and shop district of Disney. It was nice to see everything that they had on terms of decorations and literally see how much Disney merch they had. We headed back to the hotel after a walk through the boardwalk district. Then it was time for me to say goodbye and head to the airport. It was so hard saying bye to both the girls as we had such a fun weekend together. The uber driver I had was so nice and loves trying different food from around the world, so I suggested Tim tams and Vegemite.
    The airport check in was smooth and security was also easy so I had a bit of time to sit and chill. I grabbed a Cinnabon as my final American meal.
    I boarded the plane and lucky me, I had a seat next to myself. I watched everything, everywhere all at once and it was really good. I also got a few hours sleep which was nice. They had a special collaboration beer as well which was so tasty, the flight attendant was super nice and kept seeing if I wanted more. By the time I landed it was now Monday! So I'll save that for another post!
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