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    28. syyskuuta 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    I have no idea what order these photos will post, but the first thing that happened in Florence was the best -- meeting up with my best gal pal Martha!! We all dropped our bags off at the apartment we're renting, and headed straight for the Duomo. The architecture is amazing! We visited the duomo museum first and saw the brass doors pictured here, among other things, then went to the church itself. The painted ceiling is in the dome, and the 24-hour clock is in the back of the church. Fascinating! We look forward to going to Mass there on Sunday.

    Dinner was at a trattoria across the street from our apartment, where they were offering several dishes featuring fresh porcini mushrooms. John and I had risotto with porcinis, and it was excellent. Martha had gnudi -- imagine naked ravioli, the stuffing without the pasta, and it's pronounced just like you'd think. Some very nice red wines, creamy tiramisu for dessert, and now a good night's sleep. Tomorrow we'll visit the Uffizi.
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