  • Gün 6

    A Second Ice Cave

    11 Şubat 2018, İzlanda ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    The storm of the previous night and the promised storm for later today meant that after our tour there were no more by that company that day, so our driver and guide offered us the opportunity to visit another cave. The second cave was one which had been used for visits until it became unsuitable - the ice had become blackened with volcanic sand so no light could penetrate to show the blue and green hues. It had become known as the Black Cave. (No, not the Bat Cave!)

    To get to the cave was a short drive in the truck then a walk to the cave itself. Once again we had the whole place to ourselves. Just the four of us walking across the glacier surrounded by huge blocks of ice covered in pristine snow. It was warm, yes warm, with a beautifully deep blue sky, then we arrived at the cave. Unfortunately we were not allowed to enter as our guide felt it was unsafe. There was a huge archway of ice with a substantial crack running down its centre and in the warm afternoon sun the risk of it collapsing was deemed too great. If it fell with us beneath it we would die instantly... not being too dramatic are we?

    We stayed a while then strolled back to the truck, with stops for photography - ice blocks and icicles refracting the sunlight. Are you jealous or what!

    Tomorrow we travel westwards to Vik and the weather forecast is better than it has been for that area. At the moment though (11.15pm) there's a howling gale outside.
    Okumaya devam et