  • Dag 10

    Stjórnarfoss Waterfall

    15. februar 2018, Island ⋅ 🌫 1 °C

    After leaving the canyon it was time for a coffee break so we found a filling station, ordered our drinks and sat down to work out where the waterfall actually was. In fact, it was 5 minutes from where we were so in no time we were at our next photographic location.

    This was indeed a frozen waterfall, a short walk from where we'd parked the Duster. That sounds silly doesn't it so let's say it was a short walk from where we'd parked the car. Much better.

    The river from the waterfall was almost frozen over and that made a picture in itself. The waterfall was completely covered in ice, so much so that it appeared the water came from inside the ice. The light was quite nice too, as it was later in the day, which gave a golden hue to the surrounding mountains. The phone picture you see here makes it look rather more atmospheric than it really was - the sky wasn't as toned as you see but it was very pleasant nonetheless.

    We returned to the car a short time before sunset was due and set off to return to Vik. When we'd left the canyon earlier we were surprised to see how much the ice on the roads had started to melt and become slush. Now, only a relatively short while later, the roads were covered in ice again. As we drove though, we were treated to the most amazing sunset and the best of the trip so far and the photo you see simply doesn't do it justice. The colours and tones were amazing, stunning even, but of course being on an Icelandic road meant we couldn't find anywhere to stop to photograph it before it was all over.

    What a fabulous day again. We've seen some beautiful sights and hope there's more to come when we move on tomorrow to our final location of the trip.
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