  • Gün 15

    Travelling to the Airport

    20 Şubat 2018, İzlanda ⋅ ⛅ -1 °C

    So this is our last day.

    The view at breakfast looked cold and when we went to get the shared suitcase from the car to pack our gear into it, we discovered it really was. There was a biting chill in the wind so we hurried inside and began collecting things together ready to start the journey to the airport.

    As you can see from the second two photos, it was an average wintertime drive as we headed for the south coast ... we'd decided to go to the airport via a drive along the southern shore of the peninsula towards Keflavik, passing through a national park on the way. That drive took us on a small road across the mountains which were.extremely icy in places. At one point our trusty Duster lost all traction going around a bend and simply danced on ice. No problem though and we carried on, passing a ski resort we didn't know existed with what seemed to be a couple of lifts and not a lot else, then eventually giving up and turning around. The road conditions were poor and after the ski resort the road was not maintained in winter. We had a plane to catch and felt it too risky to go on.

    We did find a place to park for a while for our final session with our cameras. For a while the clouds parted in an area where, as the snow was thawing, pools of bright blue water had formed. We were the only people around and really enjoyed the time we had there.
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