traveled in 6 countries Read more Lumsden, Canada
  • Day 4

    Minnesota's Largest Candy Store

    May 16 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    For our trip from Minneapolis to Sioux Falls we decided to not take the interstate highway. Shortly out of Minneapolis we saw signs for Minnesota's Largest candy store and decided to stop when we saw it. The place is huge and full of pretty much any kind of candy you can think of, with some salty snacks added in for good measure. Then there is the all the decor. My pictures do not show the size of this place accurately. All I could say as I walked through is "This is place is insane." Here are quotes from everyone else about their thoughts on this insanely big candy store.
    Bryce - Overwhelming and not for the faint of heart. So much to eat, so little time. Took my breath away. A dentist's nightmare.
    Brenda - Sinfully delicious
    Maryanne - Unbelievable
    Gerardo - Esthetically pleasing and diabetically dangerous
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  • Day 4

    Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

    May 16 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    The Sculpture Garden was our first sight seeing stopof the day. We went there when the kids were small and I loved the place. There were lots of huge sculptures in a nicely manicured park/garden. It's pretty much the same layout. Some of the sculptures have been moved around and some new ones added. There really are no more gardens as they have changed the grounds to native plants. We all enjoyed the stroll through the park and trying to figure out the meaning behind the art. It was a great way to start the day.Read more

  • Day 3


    May 15 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Today's DDD stop was a Korean restaurant called Kim's. Technically it is not a Diners Drive-ins and Dives place. The owner Ann Kim has a pizza place, Lola's, that we have been to a couples of times. That restaurant serves wood fired pizza that is super yummy. Lola's has been on DDD.
    Jer discovered that she has four restaurants in Minneapolis, one being Kim's, a restaurant that serves food reflecting her Korean heritage.
    Since we are on a DDD tour we didn't get cleaned up before we went because you know it's just a diner. This is definitely not a diner but a trendy restaurant, so we were a little under dressed. It was super busy, which is always a good sign. After a small wait we got a table and proceeded to figure out what all the words on the menu meant.
    Alcoholic drinks at our table were a beer and a green drink named Smoky and Mommy. That drink was a mix of mezcal, melon liquor, grapefruit and lime. And there were two zero proof drinks. I always appreciate a restaurant that serves a good nonalcohol cocktail. For that we had a Poppin' Pear, made with fermented pears, and a Feel No Pain, a very fruity drink served in a very cool pineapple glass.
    Then were the starters, Korean Fried Chicken Wings, which were nice and spicy and very crispy, and a Shrimp and Vegetable Pancake. All were tasty and there were no scraps. Then came the mains, Stone Bowl Bibimbap and Hwe Dup Bap Cured Salmon Rice Bowl. The Bibimbap was delicious. A super hot stone bowl that crisped up the bottom of the rice topped with veggies and beef bulgogi. The Salmon Rice Bowl was like deconstructed sushi. It was very fresh and it too was delicious. There was so much food that we will be having reheated Bibimbap for breakfast.
    An interesting fact is that this restaurant charges a 21% surcharge to your bill. This is to replace a tip. The servers are supposed to be receiving a liveable wage. This surcharge is to pay for their wage. However, the money doesn't go directly to the staff. It just goes towards the operating costs of the business. My question is why don't they just charge 21% more for each item and then tell people not to leave a tip? Something is just not sitting right with me about this. Our server was super awesome so we left a tip anyways.
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  • Day 3

    Shopping Day

    May 15 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Today we went shopping. First stop was the Mall of America. It is thriving. Lots of people shopping but it's not overcrowded. It is still a great place to do some major damage to the bank account.
    Next we moved on to Albertville Premium Outlets. Wow! What a change. I would venture to guess that almost half of the shops are empty. However, there are still good deals to be had. Everyone purchased things they needed and/or wanted. I think Mary Ann won the "who got the best deals award" for the day.
    Just got pictures of the rides at the Mall of America.
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  • Day 2

    Our Place in Minneapolis

    May 14 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    We are staying in a lovely little apartment that seems to be about 10 minutes from everywhere we want to be. It's an older area. Kind of reminds me of the Cathedral area in Regina. We are on the second floor of a large house.
    Since we have to make our own breakfast we shopped at a very trendy grocery store called Kowalski's. Very cool place. Not too much else to say about our accomodations.
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  • Day 2

    Nichole's Pastry and Cafe Fargo

    May 14 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    First DDD stop was Nicole's Pastry and Cafe in Fargo, North Dakota. It did not disappoint. We had a wonderful lunch of healthy homemade sandwiches and soup, and some carrot ginger soup. The soup had the taste ginger without over powering the carrot. Bryce gives lunch an overall score an 8.2/10. The group favourite for dessert was the Key Lime Pie. That's the one in the to right hand corner in the photo. All was yummy. Our tummies are full and now we are on our way to Minneapolis.Read more

  • Day 1


    May 13 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    When I got up this morning I saw that Find Penguins sent me a memory from a year ago. A year ago today we hopped on a plane and went to Ireland for a lovely trip to the Emerald Isle. Today we left for a road trip to Minneapolis, Sioux Falls, and Rapid City in search of Diner Drive In and Dives restaurants. Shopping will happen. Sight seeing will happen. And food will happen.
    We picked up MaryAnne in Grayson, then drove to Winnipeg to pick up Brenda and Bryce. We'll stay here overnight and then leave for Minneapolis early tomorrow morning.
    Took a random picture of a pay phone that I saw at a gas station in Brandon. Not sure if it works or not but it looks like it is in pretty good shape.
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  • Day 17

    Thoughts About Ireland

    May 29, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    There have been some quirks about Ireland and myself that I want to share.

    First, thing the police are called Garda. It's the Gaelic/Irish word for gaurdian. So the police are gaurdians of the peace. Also, the police here don't carry guns. The gun laws here are so tight that it is near to impossible for anyone to own a gun. Therefore it is highly unlikely that the Garda will be shot at.

    The Irish have a strong affiliation with the US. I think they identify with Americans because of their common problems with the crown. You can see the American influence in the news casts and in the restaurant menus.

    Don't confuse someone who is from the Republic of Ireland with someone from Northern Ireland, or vice versa. They might get a little upset with ya. It's actually much worse than confusing a Canadian for an American.

    There hasn't been rain in the Killarney area for about two weeks. As a result, volunteers are sitting at the top of the vista at Ladies View to watch for forest fires.

    When it is compared to other European countries public transport here is pretty lousy. However, it is better than what we have in Saskatchewan. People in Ireland like the independence that comes with owning a car, much like people in Saskatchewan.

    Garbage bins are hard to find, let alone public bins for recycling.

    Walnuts are in everything here. It's been a little frustrating.😕 Between the high the use of walnuts in everything savoury and sweet, the abundance of shellfish and everything being so green, I am on high allergern alert.

    CNN and ESPN are just a regular part of the offerings on TV. Again, Ireland is highly influenced by America. When taking the train to Malahide we had quite the conversation with a young man about the NHL, which morphed into a discussion about American sports in general. He really knew his stuff and really enjoys the NHL.

    Food halls. These are not food courts but rather one business offering a variety of food to be consumed immediately or for take away. It looks like a grocery store with a deli but is a place that ends up being very cafeteria like. These have a trendy feel to them and usually offer good bites. You wander around aimlessly until you figure out what you want to eat, then join the que. Finally figured out how these places operate while in the airport going home.😕

    I have always known that I am a very proud Canadian. These bus tours have shown me that I may be annoyingly proud to be Canadian 🙃🍁

    Very thankful to have taken another memorable trip with my loving husband.❤️❤️
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  • Day 16

    Malahide Castle

    May 28, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Last castle of the trip. It was highly recommended by our Air B&B host. However we once again choose not to view the inside. We did go see the walled garden. When it was originally built its purpose was to grow exotic plants and it is still growing those plants. There was also a butterfly house. We spent a lot time in there.Read more

  • Day 16


    May 28, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Our last day in Ireland was spent rambling around the beach and the village. With a visit to Malahide Castle Walled Garden. There's a lot of wood carvings around town, particularly on the walk along the coast. It's a nice place to visit. There are still quite a few tourists but more of a relaxed feeling. It was a nice day to end an action packed trip.Read more

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