South America

August - October 2017
A 71-day adventure by Ailsa Read more
  • 32footprints
  • 5countries
  • 71days
  • 86photos
  • 0videos
  • 9.5kkilometers
  • 5.1kkilometers
  • Day 67

    Salar de Uyuni

    October 22, 2017 in Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Smiley lady, Salty desert tours, new friends- Dan and emma from oxford, altitude sick Canadian guy, slightly weird Dutch girl. Tour guide- James....probs not his name!! First stop train graveyard...rusty Thomas. Sleepy salies!! Onto the salt flats. Lunch in salt hotel. Prawns climbing on landmarks. Perspective photo shoot. Pringle disco. Jump photo....face melter. Guide not so much. Cactus island, beer half way up, good decision..... Big willy cactuses. Sun set. Awesome. Night drive to hotel. Salt hotel. Salty floors. Salty dinner. Salty bed. Sick of salt. Early start. Gemmell loving it. 1st stop "red lagoon" Ailsa it's not red, oh maybe blue lagoon then. FLAMINGOS. Cue 1000 pics. Beautiful birds. Smelly lagoons. Multiple stops. Lunch with a view. More lagoons, including the red one. Surprisingly it was red. Geysers- stinky and freezing. Cool none the less. Shorts not a great idea. Onwards to hotel. Canadian hasn't left car all day. Stumbles into room. HACE?? Probs needs to go down. Guide "we only take them down if their lips go blue". That sounds sensible...... Manage to convince ourselves he's probs alright. 2 bottles of wine cement that view. Outstanding hot spring under the stars. Truly spectacular. Beers and philosophising in the group. Sneaky fondling in the dark. 3 hours later- 5 prunes return to hotel. Early start. One more stop. More phenomenal scenery. Onto Chile. Tarmac as soon as we cross border. Bolivia you beauty goodbye!Read more

  • Day 70

    San Pedro de Atacama

    October 25, 2017 in Chile ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    Trying to be proper backpackers and not book our hostel in advance...ask about 2 places and we're sick of it. End up in a cafe googling... hostal matty 15m away will do! What do you mean we have to
    sleep in a dorm...?
    Cute little town, beautiful main square ideal for drinking wine in the sun...and we did just that! First wine was not good..thankfully not a representation of the rest we have had. Sending pictures back home bragging. A lot of wine drinking 'a jug? Yes I'll have that please. Is it enough for two...? (It was a litre) ...snack eating...more cocktails and dinner. Me ordering extras that cost tons by mistake as per usual. That guac was as much as my meal...5 cocktails down and the annoyance seemed to disappear... Valle de Luna and proper tourists being ferried about on our minibus, sorry but we were too hungover to cycle up that would of been silly and it's bloody toasty there. Slightly average star gazing with a blob of Saturn seen, at least we made up for it in drinking lots of his wine. Typically never bloody on time stressful airport transfer but off to Santiago we go!
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