• Day 2

    Kia Ora Kiwi-land

    April 28, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Second stop- New Zealand
    Up fairly early to get the 9.10 am flight to Queenstown with Air New Zealand. We meet Brent, a bloke from Victoria who is going on the hunt with Steve and Chris. It's a good flight but cloudy when we come in so the landing up the Lake in Queenstown isn't as spectacular is it could be but OK. When we get to customs, we get held up as a biosecurity bloke thinks Steve's antlers he's brought over to give to Casey aren't cleaned well enough and they need to be irradiated etc in Auckland. It takes a while to get sorted but in the end Steve has to leave them there.
    We get our hire car and drive to Hawea Flats via "the long way" because the Crown Range Road is closed due to snow and rain. We go via Cromwell, wet and cloudy and cold. No shops are open at Cromwell on a Saturday afternoon so we get a pie at the servo.

    We get to Our destination - Lake Hawea Hunting Safaris NZ. Run by a now good friend of Steve's Chris McCarthy. Casey from Colorado, a guide is also there to meet us as well as Chris' wife Bronwyn and girls, Gretchen, Emily, Lilly and baby Lucy.
    When we have tea, Chris' cousin Nikki and her hubbie, Graeme and son Max join us. A lovely night.
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