• Day 10

    First day riding to Kampen

    July 10, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Up and at 'em and ride off with the Alltrails cycling group out of Amsterdam. I'm on a red e-bike and I like it.
    I find 2 others to ride with and all is great.
    15 km out, on the outskirts of Amsterdam I get bumped off my bike by a car at the lights. I end up on his bonnet, fall into the road onto my upper back. I roll into a ball and bounce a bit. I'm amazed I came out of it ok. A sore right elbow and a sore right outer foot.

    I get up and I feel ok. The driver makes sure I'm ok and when a few other riders gather around he drives off.

    I get back on my bike ride another 30km to a lunch spot. The foot is sore but feels better on the bike. It's painful to walk on though. It's been drizzling a bit so I decide to get in the support van at lunch so people can stop worrying about me. Then it buckets down so good timing!!
    I can barely walk the 500m to the van.
    We put an ice pack on it and I stick it up on the dashboard. It's throbbing!!

    We get to Kampen and I'm in a bnb, ground floor, thankfully.
    I spend the rest of the afternoon and evening on the bed with my foot bandaged and up on pillows. One of the guides Jorg, brings me pizza for tea. I watch the Netherlands vs England soccer game on TV. Apparently there's 3000 people in town watching it on an outdoor screen.
    I also find a couple of English speaking shows.
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