  • 日704


    2020年4月27日, イングランド ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    The weather has continued to be kind to us although the farmers here are all doing rain dances. We have watched them, over the last five weeks plough, till and seed their fields and these spring crops are just beginning to show themselves. The winter crop fields are all very dry with cracks appearing in the top soil of many of the fields.. One or two of the fields are showing autumnal colours it has been so dry.
    One of the Ash trees we have been walking past on a regular basis has come into flower and is now coming into leaf.
    There has been some wholesome smells as the farmers spray their pastures with farm slurry - rain is needed to disperse the goodness into the soil.
    The field in front of us has about 80 ewes each with either one or more often two lambs. We have been watching the field fill up daily by the addition of one or two new families brought in from the lambing sheds. Apparently the farmer has only two ewes left which are due to lamb this week.
    On Sunday A dusted off his road bike for the first outing on it since last May in Scotland. It was most enjoyable on the A684 as the road was so quiet - 45 minutes uphill and against the wind to Leyburn and 25 minutes back followed by a quick trip into Bedale and a look around the lanes immediately surrounding us.
    K spent the morning planning maths lessons for the week ahead and did some sewing with the machine. She produced some face masks for friends in Chandlers Ford.