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  • Day 950


    December 29, 2020 in England ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

    Another walk from the cottage - this time we travelled eastwards across the fields behind the cottage. We had planned a walk of about 5 miles, but with the fields being so wet and the mud so deep in parts we thought we might have to cut it a bit short as it was taking longer than we had anticipated. In the event, as we rose higher up the valley, the route was much more passable so we completed our 5 miles in reasonable time. We passed through West and East Axnoller Farms on our way before rising up the valley side to Chedington, approaching this time from the south.
    We enjoyed a quiet New Years Eve in the cottage watching the review of this strange year on the TV. We did not a stay up until midnight to wish the new year in.
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