  • Gün 6


    20 Nisan 2019, Portekiz

    We woke up this morning at 8:30 for the first full night sleep since we arrived! No one woke up in the middle of the night! We feel amazing. We had breakfast in our room and then Matt took the kids down to the Kids Club to play while we packed up the room. Then we were off! We took a taxi to the airport to pick up our rental car (we had a manual transmission so didn't feel like making Matt come all the way back into the hilly city). They somehow messed up the carseats so the kids are in boosters - not ideal but we are making it work. We got a little lost coming out of the airport but finally found the road and were on our way to Evora! After about an hour and a half we arrived at the old town of Evora which is stunning. Beautiful white washed houses, cobblestone everywhere withe huge aqueduct running around the entire city. We were hungry but all the restaurants were packed and the kids were acting up a bit. We finally found a place that had a tour group cancellation and could seat us. We got a litre of much needed wine and the kids were (reasonably) well behaved for once. We waited for ages for food but once it came it was unbelievable. We got chicken stroganoff and I think it was the best we have ever had - so good! We got some more wine and hung out for a bit before putting the kids in the stroller and heading to walk through Evora. I wish we had more time to explore as the town was truly lovely. We saw old Roman ruins and walked over to the Osso Chapel (chapel of the bones) but didn't have time to go in. The kids literally ran through the town on the way back to the car. Then it was off to our next destination in Alentejo!Okumaya devam et