Italy 2022

August - September 2022
A trip to Southern Italy (2 years in the making). Weiterlesen
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  • Tag 11

    Cisternino, Italy

    7. September 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    We decided that since the kids had been such troopers dealing with all our tours and old stuff, we would take them out for a "kids day" so we packed into the car and drove north to the Indiana Park for a day on the ropes course. It was a lovely drive but VERY twisty and when we arrived, poor Evie got car sick all over the parking lot :( Luckily, she immediately felt better and we were ready to go! The kids harnessed up and had a blast on the courses and ziplines. It was a really cool space and we spent the morning there stopping only to swat mosquitoes and eat an ice cream cone! We were hungry for lunch so we found a place right off the road and what a place it was! Absolutely packed with locals, you picked a number like at a deli and orderd the most delicious food for like 15 euro. Intimidating - but fun. We all loved it even though I almost had a heart attack ordering. We grabbed a few cookies on the way out before heading back to the villa for pool time and cards with Rin and Damien (who stayed around town during the day). Later in the evening we drove over to Ostuni for dinner. Once we got over the crazy parking situation we made our way up, up, up to the white washed and absolutely lovely city. Ostuni is surrounded by old fortress walls and built up on a big hill so you constantly are going up these lovely limestone alleyways to get anwhere. It was magical in the fading twilight. We went to our dinner which was in a big grotto like area and the kids did really well! We kept them up way too late, but had such fun wandering back the old streets to find our car that it was worth it.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 12

    Cisternino, Italy

    8. September 2022 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Today did not go exactly as planned (bound to happen at least once on the trip!), but it was still a lovely day despite some travel woes. The kids woke up a bit late and decided to go for a swim rather than eat breakfast. I wanted to go back to Ostuni to explore more as we didn't have enough time the night before, so we headed back to explore (error number one - hungry kids). Error number two - we didn't anticipate how crowded it would be during the day, and after a harrowing drive through the dreaded "centro" (error number three) we finally parked and walked in and got promptly lost. It was hot and crowded and touristy and perhaps one of those cities best left for evenings, but we finally found a place and begged them for a bit of food (no food until 12, but they got us a nutella croissant from a nearby bakery for which we were eternally grateful) and we all felt a bit better afterwards. We walked around for a bit then then decided to call it quits and headed back to the car for our next stop - Grotiglie the ceramic center of Puglia. We finally arrived after driving through some really strange, abandoned towns (so much is abandoned in Puglia!). We parked and the kids had a great time checking out the different shops and they got some gifts for their teachers. Unfortunately we were late arriving and in a short while it was siesta time and most of the shops closed. We decided to leave and head to nearby Ceglie Messapica for lunch as we were all hungry. We parked easily and walked into the charming town, but everything had JUST closed for lunch (of course). Lucikly one restarualnt was open so we had some cheese and meats (and well-deserved wine) in a lovely courtyard before heading back to the villa to meet up with Rin and Damien for a swim. Yesterday, I had made some quick changes to our dinner plans and we all headed out at 7:00 to a winery in Locortondo for dinner. At first we were a little skeptical, but it turned out to be one of THE most magical nights. Frank, the chef, was such a character and cooked diner for us in the trullo and it was unbelivable - so much food and we tried three of the wines which were delcious. At 8:00 a babysitter came and made jewelry with the girls and they were happy too. It was SUCH an amazing and special evening and one we will never forget (and a lovely end to a rather average day!).Weiterlesen

  • Tag 13

    Cisternino, Italy

    9. September 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    We woke up and said goodby to Rin and Damien who were heading off to Amalfi. After, the girls jumped straight into the pool and we hung out for a bit before heading out for a beach day! We drove back to the coast to Capitolo near Monopoli to Bambu Lido, this super cool beach club on the Adriatic. It was a bit pricey, but the club amenities were amazing and the beach was perfect. The girls played all morning in the sand and in the ocean and we had an excellent lunch at the beach club. We wer all sad to leave, but home we must go (boo). When we got back, the kids went directly into the pool again while I packed and then at 7:00 Daniela came back to the villa to babysit while Matt and I went out to a solo dinner back in Ceglia Messapacia. We had a very stern waitress with lots of thoughts on what to eat, when to drink etc. BUT the meal was absolutely delicious! After dinner, we walked all through the town which was incredicbly lively and vibrant (in a completely local, non-touristy way). Such a wonderful last full day in Puglia!Weiterlesen

  • Tag 14

    Rome, Italy

    10. September 2022 in Italien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    We had to wake up a bit early (for us) which wasn't fun for the drive back to Bari. It was fairly uneventful (and very sad to say goodbye to our villa!) and we caught the short flight back to Rome with no problem. It took awhile (again) for our driver to find us, but we finally in made it back to Hotel Locarno - our favorite - for a final night in Rome! We were pretty hungry, so we ate lunch in the courtyard (lovely) and then decided to go for a walk to our favorite Gelataria Romana and it did NOT disappoint. So good and we knew what to order this time! We walked back to the hotel and took a rest/shower and then left the kids in the room while we went up to the rooftop for a final negroni and some more of those amazing views. We grabbed the kids and walked over to the Trevi Fountain area for our dinner. It was soooo packed out and hot, but it was a really nice walk nonetheless. The reastaurant was super crowded but I had reserved a table so we got right in (a must in Italy in the summer). The food was AMAZING (another Paolo recommendation) - we had another t-bone and amazing pasta and the kids behaved. I think we stayed over three hours and then had a great, slow meander back to the hotel (wtih a quick stop at the Spanish Steps) before crashing fo the night! A perfect end to the trip.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 15

    New York, New York

    11. September 2022 in den USA ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    We were supposed to get up early for our flight, but Matt got a notice it was delayed so we let the kids sleep in and then had a nice breakfast at the hotel. We got to the airport via the craziest driver ever and then delays, delays and more delays. Four hours later we took off and didn't make it home until 9:00 :( Exhausted but so nice to be HOME after a wonderful trip!Weiterlesen