  • Dzień 2

    We've Arrived !!!

    5 maja 2019, Anglia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Far too many hours strapped into plane seats and eating from small plastic containers but it's over. An uneventful flight (just the way we like them) followed by necessary queues and inevitable baggage delays before we picked up a hire car and headed out from Heathrow.

    Destination: Eton

    Our plan is to have a couple of quiet days to knock our heads out of 'work mode' and get some much needed sleep. We're staying in a quaint inn which was built in the 1600s and has the expected wonky floors and crooked stairs. We're both exhausted but going to bed at 3.30pm wasn't a valid option. Instead, we stretched our legs around town before settling in for an early dinner and a couple of beers at the bar, which is very conveniently located down 2 flights of wonky stairs from our room.

    Real food went a long way towards boosting our energy levels but the good work unravelled quickly with a second beer so we tackled the stairs before our eyes completely crossed. They didn't seem quite so wonky on the way back up ... blame the beer.
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