Smokeys, Rockies & Red Rocks

September - October 2022
Headed out west on the ultimate camper van adventure. Plan to see the Smokey Mountains, the Gateway to the West, Colorado, the National Parks of Utah, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Sedona and more. Read more
  • 56footprints
  • 1countries
  • 33days
  • 560photos
  • 37videos
  • 7.0kmiles
  • 68miles
  • Day 18

    The Venetian

    September 18, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 93 °F

    We arrived on the strip by early afternoon. We were thinking about scouting the Waldorf Astoria where we will be staying later this week... see if we could find parking for the van. All the parking in the strip seems to be in parking garages in which we will not fit.

    After spotting the hotel, we ride on through the first time and head to The Joint Chiropractic where I can get an adjustment. The young doctor used the activator on my jaw and did his thing. Once again, we returned to the strip. I called ahead to the Venetian to find out where we could park. "Valet for large vehicles," I'm told.

    We get in the long valet line, and Doug hops out to wheel and deal. He's good at talking to people, "Hey, brother. Hey, I'm in this van right there, and I was wondering is it possible to get one of these parking spots right here? How much do I need to pay you to get one of these parking spots? How much did that guy pay you?" He secures a spot for $20.

    Inside the beautiful resort, we fight our way past the smoky casino to the shops and restaurants. Doug wanted to take me on a gondola ride. We had an hour wait, so we found the bar and had a glass of white wine while a group of performers in traditional Spanish dress danced and sang.

    Our Gondelier loaded us and another couple about our age from Long Island on the gondola. We put our seat belts on so, God forbid, we wouldn't fall out and drown in three feet of crystal water with coins at the bottom. The seat belts have to be for keeping drunk people seated. There were plenty of drunk people for sure. Facing forward with the other couple facing us and the singing Gondelier behind us, we rowed down the Grand Canal vowing we would do it for real in Venice one day.
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  • Day 19

    Kingman, Arizona Route 66

    September 19, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

    We rolled into Kingman, Arizona at about 8 pm last night and discovered that we were on Route 66, the Get Your Kicks Route from Los Angeles to Chicago.

    We took a few pictures at the Route 66 museum and visitor center and headed across the street to Mr. D's Diner. It's a 50's style dinner and Doug has malts on his mind. The chocolate malt was delicious.

    From there, we went to the Dodge dealership to stay the night in their parking lot. I have a 7:30 am appointment to get the AC fixed. I did payroll and some other work. Unknowingly, we were next to the train track and the train woke me up repeatedly all night long. I swear it sounded like a helicopter overhead and I was envisioning surveillance thermal scanning our van for signs of life. When daylight came, I realized it was just the train.

    The day at the Dodge dealership started out rough. They didn't have all the parts. There was confusion about exactly what the Limon, Colorado dealership had done. So a few phone calls and another diagnostic by their technician revealed we wouldn't need the condenser after all, only the compressor needs replaced. I finished payroll and worked while Doug paced.

    We were provided a complimentary shuttle ride to the historic downtown area where we had been last night. We were hungry, so after touring the visator center and the steam engine, we returned to Mr D's for their famous monster burger platter. It's a four pound burger complete with all the vegetables, a large dill pickle and a pound of French fries. If one person finishes the whole thing, they get a free tee-shirt and their picture posted on Instagram. We're going to share it. I ordered a banana shake and we shared that monster burger. I couldn't finish my half.

    We had time to waste, so we walked Beale Street. We stopped at a biker shop which was a fun experience. I bought a Route 66 biker doo rag. There are lots of car garages here in Kingston that specialize in vintage cars. We peek inside. Half way down the street, Dodge calls and says that Little Miss is ready and she's blowing 49 degree air. Hallelujah. It's only 1 pm.

    The shuttle driver told us that open carry is legal in Arizona. Also, every other year in May they have a drag race down the main street from one police station to the other. The black marks on the street at the start out point are evidence of the fun this town has. On to the next stop.
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  • Day 19

    Winery in Williams on Route 66

    September 19, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    We're headed toward the Grand Canyon, but a few miles before our exit, I see a sign for Historic Route 66. "Get off here!" I point and Doug exits the I-40. And that's how we found ourselves in this quaint little town of Williams, Arizona.

    We looked at vintage cars, $500 cowboy boots, hats, magnets, signs and everything else you can imagine. I updated the van with a few more magnets I'd collected.

    We detoured into the Grand Canyon Wine shop. "Wine tastings," the sign said. I'm really glad Dougie likes wine. Sabrina is our sommelier. The couple next to us is from Canada and celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary. Doug orders the cabernet Voyager, and I order a flight of wines to taste several. The Voyager is the best, and two hours later and a little buzzed we leave with a bottle of Voyager and a bottle of Traveler.

    We walked around town for another hour and then headed to the Love's parking lot to sleep with all the truckers.
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  • Day 20

    Grand Canyon

    September 20, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

    The Grand Canyon is grand indeed. I was last here in 1989 on our family RV trip. I recall driving an hour off the beaten path and pulling into a gravel parking lot with one small building. We hopped out of the RV, walked to the edge of the canyon, got our views and hopped back in the RV to leave. This experience was quite different.

    We came in the south rim entrance up from Williams and quickly found our way to the visitor center and gift shop to get the passport stamped. After looking around a bit, we headed back to the van to cook breakfast which was an egg, turkey bacon, avocado and horseradish cheese sandwich. Doug filled our camelbacks and packed the backpacks while I cooked.

    We headed to Mather Point overlook to begin our Rim Trail hike to the Yavahai Point Geology Museum, stopping at every point for pictures. A bushy squirrel was begging for food. Doug shared his sunflower seeds and the squirrel ate out of his hand while I stroked her back.

    It was an in and out hike and all in all was about 2.5 miles. I tracked it in All Trails. It's not much but it was about all we could handle still recovering. We decided that we'd like to come back to Grand Canyon and do a 3 day, 2 night camping, hiking and river rafting tour.

    On the drive out, we saw several elk, one of which had massive antlers.
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  • Day 20

    US Air Force Thunderbirds

    September 20, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 93 °F

    Nellis AFB is home to the Thunderbird fighter jets. While looking for the carwash, we happened to stumble acrostic the Thunderbird Museum and went inside. The fighter jets are taking off and landing throughout the day and evening, and the sound they produce is loud like a continuous sonic boom. We learned that the jets can travel at more than 1500 mph. The Thunderbird pilots have their own designated parking spaces.

    We arrived to the campground on base just before closing, checked in, and went straight to the showers. After getting hooked up at our campsite, we sat outside in our lounge chairs and had a beer while watching the fighter jets and Blackhawks fly over us.

    6 o'clock pm rolls around on a military base, the Retreat is sounded. Over an intercom can be heard for a 1 mile radius, a trumpet playing, followed by an organ version of the Star Spangled Banner. Wherever you are on base, the protocol is to stand and salute or place your hand over your heart while the Retreat sounds. We stood and Doug held his salute stance for the next two minutes throughout the Retreat.

    I cooked chicken Curry for dinner and we opened the wine. At 9 pm as we were falling asleep, we heard a trumpet playing Taps.

    Day is done, gone the sun,
    From the hills, from the lake, from the skies.
    All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.

    Go to sleep, peaceful sleep, may the soldier
    or sailor, God keep. On the land or the deep, Safe in sleep.

    Love, good night, must thou go,
    when the day, and the night need thee so?
    All is well. Speedeth all To their rest.

    Fades the light;
    And afar Goeth day,
    And the stars Shineth bright,
    Fare thee well;
    Day has gone, night is on.

    Thanks and praise, for our days,
    'Neath the sun, Neath the stars, 'Neath the sky,
    As we go, this we know, God is nigh.
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  • Day 21

    The Waldorf Astoria

    September 21, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 88 °F

    Before we left, Doug booked us two nights at the Waldorf Astoria, and here we are.

    Right now I'm in the bathtub with a glass of red while Douglas plays Westland Survival. It's his equivalent to my blogging. We surely get dopamine from it.

    Room 1703, we've moved in for two days. This is my first bath since leaving Florida. We were joking yesterday about how it now feels normal to go three days between showers. Honestly, it doesn't even bother me anymore, evidenced by the fact that I don't even think about it.

    Parking the van was difficult. We drove around town for an hour on a wild goose chase, finally to be directed to the garage of Planet Hollywood across the street. They didn't charge us to park there in the locked gate area for oversized vehicles. We were instructed to remove our bikes and put them inside the van so they wouldn't be stolen. By the way, Little Miss is all clean inside and out and the sheets and blankets are washed. Thank you, Doug.

    It was only a 40 minute walk through a smoky casino, down the street, up and down escalators and across streets twice, through the hotel, up to the 23rd floor to check in and then to the room. It's one of those fancy elevators where you have to use your keycard to make the elevator go to your floor. And there's a valet closet where staff can leave things for us without coming into the room.

    We have an awesome view of the strip. Can't wait to see what it looks like tonight. This weekend is the iHeart Music Festival.

    Las Vegas, beware.
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  • Day 22

    Two Nights on the Town

    September 22, 2022 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

    Doug and I have two nights here before he flies out tomorrow.

    Night 1
    We first went to the Sky Lounge here at the Waldorf for drinks and appetizers before walking down to the MGM to see the bronze lion. It is the largest bronze statue in the western hemisphere standing at 45 feet and weighing 100,000 pounds. Then we crossed the street to walk through New York.

    Lyft took us to the Rio. Doug once won second place in a poker tournament here and he tells stories of gondolas and the Rooftop Voodoo bar, but everything has changed. No more gondolas; the rooftop bar is closed. But the poker table where he played remains and he points it out to me. The poker room is a ghost town. We escaped the suffocating smoke and got an Uber to Paris. The Eifffel Tower closed just minutes before, but we made note of the times so we can return tomorrow.

    Day 2
    I went pool side this morning to enjoy my fruit under an umbrella after a healthy dose of Vit D. The water is chilly, but refreshing after 10 minutes in this unrelenting desert sun. We each have $25 credit per day, so I got a Corona Premier; $9 spent.

    Doug went to get some breakfast and some medicine to help him breathe and keep his ears clear on his flight home tomorrow. His friend Nike from North Carolina is here in Vegas for the IT Conference and we're planning on meeting up this afternoon. He and Nike were in the Army together in Germany, from where their unit was deployed to Iraq.

    Kris is in Los Angeles visiting her daughter and will arrive tomorrow afternoon. I purchased tickets for the iHeart Music Festival for tomorrow night.

    I owe Dougie a foot rub in the pool, so he better get his butt out here soon. Nevaada, Nevahda... how do you pronounce it? We took random surveys throughout the grocery store and the consensus is that Doug is correct. It is pronounced Nuh-vaad-duh.

    We both are missing the quiet solitude of nature here in this constantly moving city of lights and noises, but I'm reminded to make the best of each day and live in the moment. I will appreciate every place, person and situation for the beauty that it holds. On the home front, the tile is getting laid in the bathroom, my daughter was rear ended by a tree truck- a 6500, and my sister is fighting covid all by herself.

    Nike and his son came out to the pool for the afternoon. It was great to meet and get to know them. Doug got his foot rub after three more random people at the pool confirmed that he indeed was correct in the pronunciation of Nevada.

    The four of us walked over to Alexxa in Paris for dinner. We wanted to get a good view of the Bellagio fountain across the street but it was too hot to sit outside. Dinner was nice and afterwards we said our goodbyes to Nike and his son. They are flying home tonight.
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  • Day 22

    The Bellagio and Cirque du Soleil

    September 22, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 81 °F

    It was a beautiful night in this brilliant city. From the top of the Eiffel Tower to the night Bellagio Fountain, to the Cirque du Solei O.

    Waiting for the show to begin, we had a couple drinks at a bar in the Bellagio where we entertained a family from Orlando celebrating three family birthdays. Doug was talkative, telling our story and they were eating it up. They thought he was joking at first. "We're celebrating our one month-aversary," he tells them. On the story goes about how we met and our travel adventures. "You seem like you've known each other forever," she says. "Well that's what happens when you have to shit in front of each other.... and then drain it the next day." We were laughing our heads off.

    The O was fabulous, but was not what I expected. It is a combination of trapeze, artistic diving. high diving, contortionists, clowning, and water acrobatics. The stage is a pool and at times it is covered by platforms. There were underlying themes and meanings of which I feel I'd have to watch the show a hundred times to grasp them all. One of them was, in my words, "Freedom replaced one caste system for another". The scene depicts artists swinging and diving from a swinging liberty bell, while a crying, modern Frenxh maid walks around with her laundry cart picking up the dirty laundry of the ladies and gents dressed in garments of the 1700s... white wigs, red coats with tails and large hoopdy dresses.

    On stage left above, the singers are performing behind the glass andl the music is being sung live. She is wearing a beautiful long white dress with ornamental sleeves and she dances and moves her arms as she sings. On stage right through the glass, there is viewing of the technicians at their computers coordinating the background music and sound effects, etc. It was really nicely done.
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  • Day 23

    iHeart Music Festival- Surprise Opener

    September 23, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 88 °F

    When arriving in Vegas, I didn't know the music festival was going on, so these tickets were last minute. For years, I've heard about it on the radio and seen it aired live and dreamed of going one day, so there was no way I could pass it up.

    Today I said goodbye to Doug and picked up Kris at the Las Vegas Airport. I booked a stay at a local campground.

    Kris and I took a Lyft from the campground to the Bellagio. We had a couple extra hours and she's never been to Vegas before. It was important that she see the Bellagio Fountain. We walked through the Bellagio and the Aria before heading to the T-Mobile Arena.

    We purchased drinks and while waiting in line for the second round, I began talking to the gentleman behind me in line. He works for the venue and said, "Do you know who the opening act is?" I knew the line up, so I started guessing. "Oh no, he's on at 11... She's not on until 9pm..." I went through the whole list. "So who is opening?" He said he didn't know, but I think he was just playing with me. I pretty much got an invitation to an after party with this kind gentleman, but I declined.

    Returning to my seat, the first performer had just come on stage. It kind of looked like Pitbull. It certainly sounded like Pitbull. He was acting like the real Pitbull, but I didn't believe it. He looked younger and had a short beard. I really thought it was an impersonator. "Is that the real Pitbull?" I asked our new friends sitting in front of us who are from Austin and own a timeshare in Madeira Beach. They come play in our back yard for a week every April. They come to the music festival every year, so I figured they would know. It certainly was Pitbull and he was amazing!
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  • Day 23

    Lionel Richie

    September 23, 2022 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 84 °F

    We were sitting in the crazy section 212. Everyone loves Lionel Richie, but I think a couple people were doing cocaine or something. These songs take me back to my roller skating days. I remember a couple's roller skate to Lionel Richie.Read more