• Day 8

    Sunday Day of Rest😊

    November 24, 2024 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    A beautiful morning. Boat yoga. Chapatis for breakfast then quickly needed to go off to church with boatman Iziah leading the way back up the hill. We were early so could watch people and birds. The senior pastor wearing his smart check suit greeted us very warmly. Pentecostal church started with jazzy singing and dancing. Then a choir and dancing group performed including trips into the congregation- similar to a happy Xmas party. Eventually the pastor came and enthusiastically welcomed us. We had to introduce ourselves-managed in Tanzanian. Then Iziah was taken to the front to translate all of the
    1 1/2 hr long sermon very dramatically delivered. Basically we have to forgive or God won’t forgive us. Then we were dispatched out into the rain and back to the boat. Incredible experience. Spent the afternoon on top deck watching the fishermen go out, the workers on the hill drying the sardines, carrying water big distances etc. lots of swallows came onto the boat. Cormorants , kingfishers, egrets and wee yellow birds all around. Sock knitting. Nobody else went to church (all are religious) so seems we could have worked to use the resources. 🤔
    Had some sardines for lunch- tiny and just like whitebait. Lovely. The food is great. Rice and a meat dish and bean dish usually. Always with plantain and ugali(a rather tasteless CHO) and some veg.
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