  • Dag 29

    Mont St Michel

    29. oktober 2019, Frankrig ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    After arriving at the aire and partaking of a spot of lunch, baguette with brie and ham, the rain continued to fall heavily and its forecast for the same tomorrow so the afternoon was spent deciding where to travel to next. We were looking forward to wandering around Mont St Michel tomorrow but it's pretty pointless in this type of weather. It did let up for a while earlier so while Jayne took a nap I took Tess for a walk along the river towards St Michel. It's about a 45 minute walk from here but the closer I got the less I could see as the rain started up again and got steadily heavier until I had to turn around and head for home. Shame really as this place has been on my list of things to see for some years now but maybe we will swing by in March 2020.Læs mere