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  • Day 9

    Oriental, NC

    May 15 in the United States ⋅ 🌩️ 72 °F

    Today ended up being quite nice. We woke up to calm weather with clearing skies. Got our boats launched, then headed up Adams Creek, crossing the Neuse River and stopping for the day at Oriental NC. Some pictures along the way, homes along the creek, sinking or wrecked boats, a Great White Heron, some interesting yachts, the Shrimp boat fleet in Oriental, and a few photos of our boats. The one thing I missed, because they were too fast to photograph, where the porpoises that came near our boats, either diving beside us, or just ahead of us. This evening, Mike and Bill are anchored out in Green Creek, while I took the last space on the two free docks Oriental has for boaters. (That allowed me to go walk off some more of last night's pizza! lol).Read more