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  • Dag 32

    Witnessing Cambodias cruel history đŸ„ș

    18 januari, Kambodja ⋅ ☀ 33 °C

    Just a warning: this isn't a funny post at all.

    Today we made our way to Choeung Ek, the killing fields of Phnom Penh, which are a historical site where around 17,000 people were killed by the Red Khmer between 1975 and 1979. At that's just the number of people killed at Choeung Ek.
    During those 4 years nearly a quarter of Cambodias population was systematically executed.

    It was really hard and depressing to be there and see fragments, places and weapons that have been used not too long ago to kill Cambodians. Actually it was shocking to see all that. And you can feel, how Cambodias population is still very affected by it's recent history.
    I wasn't sure whether to take pictures on site, but then I decided to do so, in order to create awareness and show, what's been going on during those 4 cruel years.

    We've also visited the S-21 genocide museum afterwards, where people (mainly academics, politicians and educated people, but also basically everyone else) were tortured and killed in the most cruel ways you can possibly imagine.

    Almost every local has a story or personal experience to tell when it comes to the Cambodian genocide, which is just so sad and heartbraking.

    Soundtrack of the day:
    A Heavy Heart - Garreth Broke…
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