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  • Hari 43

    On the flats

    26 Oktober 2022, Sepanyol ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Flat being a relative term. I think there are some really flat bits of Spain, we just didn’t see them this time. Even so, we’ve been on the plateau for the last few days, enjoying hills that are gentle, and that end. We reached the official 1000km mark yesterday, made apparent by Jimmy frantically throwing fisties and wiggling his butt up ahead of us oldies a lagging a bit back down the track. We were on a repeat run of a particularly nice bike path that Komoot had served up, which had brought us into Avila at sunset a couple of days before . That day had been a bit of a stretch, lovely as it was, which resulted in dine in Domino’s pizza before finding our apartment about 9pm, and a rest day to follow. Anyway, we got the thousand, despite the first week being on foot, so cheers to the boys for their enthusiasm to the end, and to me and Lou for being generally awesome parents and trip organisers. We’re on the last train now, back to Madrid, which is crisscrossed with bike paths to get us to our beloved bike boxes, and hopefully back to Blue Bear too….Baca lagi