  • Dzień 2

    Hello India!

    13 grudnia 2019, Indie ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    December is a nice time to travel tthr world, especially to warmer places. This year it's India time! Lots of plans, lots of places to see and a whole different culture to meet! Unlike other years I'm not traveling solo but with friends (Mara, Matjaž and Mateja) which will make a trip even more fun 😃
    We flew Aeroflot from Ljubljana to New Delhi throug Moscow. Didn't spend much time in Moscow though, they messed up our tickets so we ended up being upgraded to business class (awesome 😎) and a bit of a mess getting our bags In Delhi, but it all worked out okay...
    This sure is a crazy city, soooo many people, hectic traffic and really bad air pollution, so we're wearing masks when going out. 😷 It's not super warm, around 17 degrees (it rained a lot last night and we were delayed while landing).
    After meeting with Matjaž, who was already here, we started with huge breakfast with all kinds of different and good food, so delicious! Observing people on the street while eating I got a taste of what awaits me in this country - so many different people, styles, animals (cows!), beautiful kids, tuktuks who honk ALL the time,... Crazy yet awesome!
    We spent the say mostly going around Connaught place, a huge roundabout in the center with lots of shops, markets, street performers, you name it! Went to some good Rajasthan restaurant, amazing food (pretty spicy), with some menu, where we got to try around 10 different dishes - all vegetarian, but really good! I really hope my stomach doesn't protest much and I don't get a delhi belly (we have tons of medical stuff and some proper spirits drinks to fight it!).
    Of course jet lag came along and need to fall asleep, tomorrow awaits and we need to start exploring well rested!
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