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  • Día 15

    Day 13 last day

    20 de julio de 2023, España ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Steph here
    Woke early after a restless nights sleep I loved sleeping in the monastery but the walls are paper thin and I won't write too much here about the sounds I heard next door at 3am but I get it after two weeks of staying in albergues sharing 10 bed dorm rooms it's the main reason a couple would want a private room but by god was she loud and in a Monastery of all places.
    We decided after breakfast to collect our compostela (certificate of completion) as we were told by the Americans last night their is less of a line in the morning. April was very disappointed after all her work of collecting two stamps and dating each one as required it was just glanced over. Myself and Megan didn't bother to date ours and it was no issue at all. One of our two certs had our names in Latin on them and we laughed at how funny each others sounded especially Megan's as her name changed from Megan to Margertia.
    We changed hotels today moving to a hotel with a pool so we could spend the day relaxing and nursing our tried feet. Later that evening with a recommendation from hotel staff we had typical Glaican food which included Octopus seasoned with parpkia. It was our first time having it and I decided to close my eyes when eating it as the look and sensation of the thick bumpy scales was making me queasy but I needed to be brave for the girls (so I thought) until I looked across at both of them sucking in Octopus tails nd chewing happily. I'm glad I tried it but it's not for me it tasted like pork sausages but not as good. By 10pm we were all in bed. After another soak of my feet and applying some antibiotic cream to my open wound. We talked and laughed about the Camino This eve Megan reminded me of how after hours of walking we finally came to an open restaurant but their kitchen was closed all they could offer us is Omelette. Megan doesn't eat them but guess what she did and she enjoyed it. April talked about climbing a wall with a huge dog barking at her as she stole two lemons from the lemon tree and later had them in her coke that eve. For me my memory was when our friends from South Africa asked us did we want to go to Mass with them before I cud answer Megan shouted out I want to go to Mass. I was left speechless most 14 year old want to stay at home on their phone. It's been and amazing journey I never thought I l cud live with so little just a small bag with a few belongings and I've never been so grateful for a hot shower and a decent meal and most of all the kindness of strangers who want nothing in return but to make someone happy.
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