Cape York 2022

Ağustos - Eylül 2022
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  • Gün 17

    Starting the Tele track

    17 Ağustos 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We were awake at 7 and many people had already left or were in the process of doing so. Once organised, we stopped in at the Bramwell roadhouse for fuel, a stubby holder and a few photos before tackling the Telegraph track. We were behind a big group of motorbikes, 5 of which we encountered pretty early, heading the other direction as they'd decided against the first obstacle, which was fair, the main entrance was pretty ridiculous. Near vertical and verrry narrow at Palm Creek. Ourselves and Peter and Ellen found a nicer way in, it still had a bit of a drop off and we christened the winch to pull ourselves out. I was pretty nervous on the way out, Ben had 'parked' the ute on the exit as far up as it could drive, it was in gear, but kept rolling back ever so slightly every few minutes while he was setting up the winch. I felt like I was in a movie where you're teetering on the edge of a cliff. A bit dramatic, but you know me. We made it up, helped the others with their winch and we were on our way. Ducie creek was much nicer and didn't have a lot a lot of water through it, considering our hema book said it was a 'moderately deep' crossing. I found an easier way out than what Ben found, so I've done my job of the day. We cruised through the South Alice crossing, barely even noticed it, then onto North Alice which was also pretty easy. We noted that after every crossing, someone had put a sign up with 'towing' and a phone number, clever marketing if you have telstra. Dulhunty river was next and now I can say that that I've driven through a river crossing on the Telegraph track (it's a big deal, I promise). We went for a walk and took some photos of this one, the first 'pretty' crossing we've come across, the rest have been pretty muddy or dirty.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 17

    Gunshot to Cockatoo creek

    17 Ağustos 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Bertie creek was lovely too, a lot of deep holes, but a rocky bottom if you could avoid them. A fair few kms on and we reached the Gunshot bypass which we could opt for instead of attempting the crossing. We went on and figured worst case, we could turn back. The main Gunshot track is a vertical drop, with a deep waterhole just after. It's one of those difficult crossings well known in the 4wd world. We passed a number of vehicles going the other direction which didn't fill me with confidence. When we arrived, we quickly saw why. There were numerous options to take, all pretty awful and steep. We had already planned on sticking around and watching a few people attempt it if we could. We weren't sure if we'd see anyone though, as the track had been surprisingly quiet, barely seeing anyone along the way. We watched a few tackle the main Gunshot track, it was pretty full on! Ben was tempted and as long as I wasn't in the car, it didn't bother me either way. I was chatting to another older lady as we were watching, who mentioned a slightly easier track off the side which we hadn't come across. We sussed it out and definitely seemed less deadly. I joked that if we were towards the end of our trip and needed to go back to work soon that we should do Gunshot and if it went wrong 'oh no, our car broke and we can't come into work' ha! However, being only 2 and a bit weeks in of 6-7, it's too early to risk it. The 'easier' track, was, however one of the back toolboxes copped a knock and is a bit out of shape, it wouldn't matter except it holds the dual battery charger. On we went where we found a ute in quite a bog hole, they didn't do Gunshot so thought they'd try some of the harder tracks along the way and got stuck. They had mates though and assured us they'd be right. We made it to Cockatoo creek, our original goal for the night, a relatively easy crossing as well, just needed to avoid some deep holes in a few sections. Up to the campsite which surprisingly has an undercover picnic area and a toilet.. which has no steps however. It's at Ben's shoulder, so not exactly something I'd like to climb if I desperately had to go to the loo. We found a nice spot and set up. Ben bashed the toolbox hoping to get it back to its original shape and added a strap to keep it shut as we have some deeper crossings coming up over the next few days. The creek is anti crocodile (apparently) and we saw a bunch of people having a swim when we crossed, so we headed down ourselves. The water was lovely! Peter and Ellen joined us for a drink, then we stayed a bit longer until our drinks ran out and the sun started to disappear. We've just had dinner, steak and salad (yes Ben eats salad now.. mostly Caesar, but it's an improvement).Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 18

    Cockatoo Creek to Fruitbat Falls

    18 Ağustos 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Took it slow this morning, with only roughly 38kms and 2 swimming holes between campsites. One unmarked water crossing would come close to the deepest we've been through so far, all good though with only a little bit of water in the busted toolbox. After about 17kms we had the first marked crossing and the main road not long later for about 7kms. We finally saw what people have been complaining about on the Facebook pages, the corrugations were bloody terrible. Back onto the 4wd track and we stopped in at Fruitbat Falls, what a great spot! We walked down first to have a look, then headed back to change and put on sunscreen, ready for a swim. Peter and Ellen headed off and we hope to catch them again in the morning for the last leg. We spent a while at Fruitbat Falls, there's a top section which is mostly a rock shelf and some big holes that are like your own personal jacuzzi, and the bottom under the falls. Such a great spot, honestly! We only headed off because we (me) were getting hungry. Ham and cheese wraps again then back on the road.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 18

    Eliot Falls

    18 Ağustos 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    A pretty cruisy few kms and we reached Eliot Falls, we found our campsite and went for a walk. Very close to the toilet (stairs on these ones) which is handy. We followed the signs to The Saucepan, bloody beautiful and very deep. We followed different paths and boardwalks, finding Eliot Falls, Eliot Creek and Twin Falls. Back up to set up the tent, resunscreen and head down for a swim at Saucepan first. We stuck around for a while then I swam around to Eliot Falls while Ben followed along on the bush path. We looped around to Twin Falls which has a nice, shallow and sunny spot to swim. We hung around there for a while. Ben climbed up to the top of the falls and spoke to a bloke who said he'd just had a snake swim between his legs and pointed it out to Ben as it slithered back off into the bush. It didn't put us off though, plenty of people around down the bottom where we were swimming. The sun was disappearing and we were getting hungry again so we headed back. Burritos for dinner, sat around until the sun went down and now just watched some netflix.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 19

    Big challenge day

    19 Ağustos 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Another early morning (for us), pack up and off to find Peter and Ellen. We assumed they'd be camping at Canal Creek and they were. Today started straight off with creek crossing after creek crossing. Sam creek was lovely and had a bit of depth, but nothing too tricky. Mistake creek tried to live upto it's name. Luckily 2 families were ahead of us, with an L and P plater driving so we got to watch/hassle them first. The L plater only got his licence 2 weeks ago (but often drives on the family property) and the P plater loses his licence as of the end of the month for speeding, so he was getting as much driving in as he could before then. It was a pretty decent drop off into this crossing, but all good in the end! Ben lead the group for Cannibal creek, another dicey looking one, but not bad. When he came down the hill from where he parked, he had a massive grin on his face, turns out the hill had a big hole/step up which meant that as he drove up, one of his front wheels was up in the air a fair bloody bit. The L plater's car behind couldn't quite get up the hill, so Ben snatched him up and over. Leading this crossing however, put Ben in front for Cypress, which was that God damn 'log Bridge' if you can even call it that, which I'm sure you've already seen by now. I wasn't planning on being in the car for this one, but it was pretty nervewracking just watching and directing Ben. He said it was hard not having any awareness of where you are on the bridge since he couldn't see anything. I'm even more glad I wasn't in there. He crossed and we helped guide the others across. The next crossing we came across wasn't named on the map, it just said 'ford' and it was a pretty tough one. Waist deep and quite long. They took a while getting ready for this one, so I hung out with the other family's staffy, she was so beautiful.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 19

    Nolan's to Punsand

    19 Ağustos 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Nolan's (bridge creek) is the last crossing and known to have a very soft, sandy bottom, which claims a lot of vehicles each year apparently, woo! We watched 2 fellas go down who we saw at the Lions Den a few nights ago, the first one had no dramas, good news because that was the line we were planning on taking. His mate though, took a different path and got stuck in the water. Ben ran out to attach the snatch strap while his mate dragged him out. There was a fair bit of water in his car but he seemed pretty good about it. The L and P platers and their families went next, all good. Ben afterwards, also no dramas despite the depth. Peter was much slower but again no issues. We pulled up for a celebratory drink and lunch while watching some other groups come through, a few we've seen along the way. The last car got stuck, same drill, Ben attached the strap and the driver dragged him out. It was a fun, but nervewracking day at times. Less than an hour to the ferry, it's very quick over the Jardine River, it's only about 50m. We said our farewells and headed for our campsite at Punsand Bay after topping up the fuel at Bamaga. We set up and wandered down to the beach bar, such a great spot! We had a seafood pizza and calamari for dinner. Unintentionally a late night, had much to catch up on on the wifi after a few days without. The shower was soooo good, it's been a while! The fresh water swims were great, don't get me wrong, but not comparable to a hot shower.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 20

    To the Tip!

    20 Ağustos 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Up and moving as usual. We popped into the Corrugation Bar at our campsite to see what their breakfast options were. Ben grabbed a Bacon and egg roll while I got the corn fritters and haloumi. Good start to the day. Our first stop today was The Tip! Pajinka! Maybe half an hour north and we arrived. A few older blokes were on their way back down with a stubby holder and empty beers, it was just before 10am, they said it's tradition, so we followed suit and grabbed a Canadian club each. It was about 700m up and over rocks to the most northern point, not too difficult a walk, just glad we weren't doing it in the middle of the day. We took a few photos then had a seat and people watched. There weren't a heap at first, but more were coming the later it got. One bloke jumped in the water, he said everyone gets their photo, but noone swims at the northern point, fair point but I'd rather not risk being eaten haha. It was lovely in the sun with the breeze coming through. We eventually decided to head back, getting more photos on the way. When we got back to the car, a tour group was being lead through the water to the point, less climbing this way, but it depends on the tide/crocodile factor.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 20

    5 beaches drive

    20 Ağustos 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    We headed to Somerset for the 5 beaches loop that stops off at a few historical sites along the way. The beaches were lovely and super windy, cant swim at any of them of course, but still a nice drive. Once we got back we attempted to do a load of washing, turns out, only 1 machine is working and there was a line up of piles of clothes. I decided on a nap, second of the trip, and ben reorganised the car and dried out the straps and bits that got wet over the last few days. It was our turn for washing, Ben put it on while I was waking up and we went through some photos. When the timer went off we headed for the laundry to hang out our load. The lady after Ben seemed to skip the line, he mentioned that there was a line up but she shrugged and said that the piles had been there all day. Well! Then began the laundry debacle. We were hanging ours out and there were a few loud, angry voices about whoevers load was in, skipped the line and they were not happy, understandably though. Down to the beach bar for a few drinks and dinner, tonight we had the fried cmembert bites, chicken pizza and pan fried mackerel, another great meal. Such a nice spot on the water, just relaxing. Finished dinner, threw our load in the dryer, grabbed a few drinks and watched the sunset on the beach. Shower time and the usual netflix before bed.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 21

    Roonga Point

    21 Ağustos 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We got a bit of rain overnight, not as much as at Emerald, but it definitely made things nice and damp. Slowly packed up and went for breakfast, 2 Bacon and egg rolls today and an iced latte. The next few days are pretty quiet so we sat around and used the wifi for a bit. Bought a few souvenirs from the Punsand shop and decided to make a move. We headed over to Roonga Point, a little 4wd track on the map, taking us to the western side. Quite a few people bush camping over this way. It was closer than we realised so we pulled into a nice spot and watched a few episodes on netflix as the rain was back. There was another track we were considering, but our notes said it can get quite boggy and with last nights rain, we decided against it.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 21

    Loyalty Beach

    21 Ağustos 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Headed south for Loyalty beach. There's a shortcut on our map so we took it, just to see something different. The puddles have made the car nice and red and it looks like we had a hard slog. We did come across a crossing that was pretty dodgy looking, we're right in crocodile territory now and we couldn't see in the red water. A dogde ram going the other way got halfway through and reversed out after seeing how deep it was. We had a chat with them for a bit from across the creek, to decide on our next move. The other bloke decided to wade through another part of the crossing, I sure as heck wasn't going to, and it was pretty shallow, once he went through, we did too, just in the other direction. Not much further and we hit Loyalty beach, no need for bookings here so we just checked in and found a nice spot on the water for the night. Then it flogged down again, fun fun! We have been very lucky with the weather so far so it's all good. The rain has been coming and going pretty fast, so hopefully it blows over soon. We hid out and watched some more netflix before heading to the bar, it's fish and chip night and clearly verrry popular! The line up was huge but they smashed through it. We waited a bit before ordering, didn't feel like a 5pm dinner. Really nice spot on the water and the weather cleared up nicely. Surprisingly we had a few bits of service at times too. We got a serve of fish and chips, and prawns to share, bloody good! We wandered back and just the usual shower, netflix and bed.Okumaya devam et