Featuring Ben & Bec Weiterlesen
  • 49Footprints
  • 1Länder
  • 24Tage
  • 426Fotos
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  • 4,5kKilometer
  • Tag 1

    Bye Newcastle

    6. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Seeya Newcastle! Hopefully the renos will be done by the time we get back 😮‍💨

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    Home to Gilgandra

    6. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Pup settled in the car much faster than he has for our two test runs, so that's a bonus! Still wanting his head out of the window at 100km, but too bad. We had a quick stop at Merriwa, snapped a photo of the Silo art, grabbed a small feed from the bakery, then on to Dunedoo for another quick Silo photo and bathroom break.
    We're camping at the Railway Hotel, Gilgandra tonight. We pulled up and checked in with the staff who are super lovely and thanked us for actually checking with them first, sounds like there have been issues previously. We set up and took pup for a wander. The 3 dogs that live at the pub all yelled at him, the publican said we can either go out into the beer garden with them, or, luckily, we can sit out the front when we're ready. I stayed in the camper for a bit so Pup would have a nap before going to the pub for a drink and a feed. Ben headed in to make sure the beers were okay, so selfless.
    We shared a schnitty and a pizza for dinner with another drink, and now we're back in the camper getting ready for bed.

  • Tag 2

    Gilgandra to Cobar

    7. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    It was incredibly windy overnight, I don't think anyone had a great sleep. We were awake around 8 but took it slow this morning since we were all tired. Eventually packed up, headed off to grab fuel and keep moving. We'd planned a quick stop at Nevertire water tower, but the boy finally settled so we kept cruising on. Not a lot to report on, I read for a bit and and we stopped in at Nyngan. First we pulled in at an info booth with a little Bogan, we didn't know it wasn't the big Bogan, so felt underwhelmed. We kept cruising and saw the signs for the actual Big Bogan, much better! Had his Esky and dog rusty. We stopped for some photos and a wander. It was very quiet, not much open, if anything from what we could see. So we made up some wraps for lunch before continuing on to Cobar. We had a quick stop at the monument/town sign for a photo then headed to the caravan park to check in and another quick and easy set up. Much to puppy's dismay we headed back out. We stopped at the Cobar miners heritage park, it's set up very nicely. So nice, that there was a wedding wrapping up. Next we went to the Fort Bourke Hill mine lookout. It was so bizarre to see how big it was from that angle. I saw some goats and their kids, so that was exciting. Another quick stop at the monument since there wasn't a line up this time, then on to the big tooheys can for a photo and the iga for a fresh chook for Pup. Headed back to the camper to enjoy the afternoon sun and a few drinks. Pup didn't want to be outside and we didn't want to be in, so we found a good compromise that he was pretty happy about. Crumbed steak and salad for dinner, showers and a relatively early night. Pup decided he deserved an upgrade from the bottom of the King bed with the deluxe mattress topper, so he took my spot on my pillow.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 3

    A long day in the car

    8. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    After fueling up, we started the day with a 3 hour stint to Wilcannia. We saw a few emus and their chicks, and 90km of goats! So bloody many! Not a lot to report, I read for a bit, resettled the boy a thousand times and we listened to Spotify. We pulled up at a rest stop in Wilcannia and ordered a classic burger and steak burger to share. It was so good to get out of the car and stretch our legs. We were heading to Menindee today.. except both roads from Wilcannia were closed, not sure why due to the lack of service, so we headed to Broken Hill to see if there was another way in. There was, but damn it's been a long day in the car. Another hour and a bit to Menindee, we headed straight for the servo to top up the fuel and grab a map from the info centre. We drove along weir road for a bit, there are a heap of free campsites listed on wiki camps here. There wasn't a lot of shade and we couldn't properly see the access to each site and didn't want to risk getting stuck with the camper since it was 5pm already. We kept going and came across Copi Hollow. Ben went and spoke with the caretaker and he directed us to a spot on the water. We set up, went for a quick walk and settled in. Pup settled and slept really well in the car today, but still wasn't interested in laying in his bed on the ground like some peasant. Just the usual evening activities, dinner, music and relaxing before bed.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 4

    Arrived in Broken Hill

    9. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Woke up a bit earlier today, but still slow moving. After we'd packed up and were ready to go, Ben realised the back numberplate that copped a beating last year, was starting to fracture, so he had to drill some new holes to suit. Unfortunately it's a 6mm bolt and we only have a 5mm drill bit, so he had to get creative. On the road and we looped back to the Burke and Wills Campsite and main weir to have a look, then a quick pop in to Sunset Strip on the way to Broken Hill, an odd little suburb. We had a quick stop at the visitors info centre to grab some maps and info, and went to check in. We paid an extra $15 a night to have an ensuite since it's surprisingly cheap and we're here for 2 nights. Since we were checking in early, they said that we could set up, but not use the ensuite until the afternoon, which wasn't an issue. We set up and headed out to find a feed, settling on Alfresco's cafe. Ben had a Caesar burger and I had a chicken, Ham and cranberry sandwich, very nice. We headed up to the Line of lode memorial and the big bench. They've put chains up so you can't sit on it anymore, boo. The memorial was lovely but sad, listing the many ways people passed away while working in the local mines. There was a significant drop off over the years as more safety standards were implemented. Next we cruised around Broken Hill, just having a look and getting our bearings. We had a quick stop at the JP Keenan lookout, then white rocks reserve to read about some local history and watch the storm roll in. Back to camp for a nap, well, for pup and I anyway. We found out that the road we were meant to take from Wilcannia to Menindee was flooded which is why we had to go the long way around yesteday. Another couple came and had a chat with us, asking about the camper, they're looking at buying one and stoney creek was on top of their list. We showered in our fancier than expected ensuite, flicked through some brochures we picked up earlier, and headed to bed.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 5


    10. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    As easy as it is to set up and pack down, it was nice knowing we didn't need to pack the camper away today. Pup was in a mood this morning, too many people packing up and lots of noises. We headed to Silverton today, I'd seen some Facebook posts about keeping kids entertained by counting all of the dips in the road out there, we didn't keep track, but there were a heap, and as we came into town, there were signs saying 'beyond the 39 dips'. We headed out just past Silverton to the Umberumberka reservoir to have a look, then back past the Mundi Mundi lookout. Beautiful landscape, but also a whole lot of nothing. Silverton follows NSW time, not SA like Broken Hill does, so our watches and phone keep jumping all over the place. Google told us the other day that Broken Hill goes by SA time due to the rail link to Adelaide. We went to the Mad max museum, $10pp entry and well worth it. There were so many behind the scenes photos and information, as well as a lot of props to look through. We were allowed to take photos in the back section where they had lots of replicas, including a lot of vehicles and the Interceptor. Puppy had an interaction with a cat, that interaction being him being completely oblivious as he went past twice, missing the cat hissing and swatting at him the first time, then finally realising and just walking away. After the museum, I quickly popped into the John Dynon gallery, the emu man, lovely artwork but very $$, it was a nice quick stop either way. We were getting pretty hungry so it was time for a feed at Silverton hotel, more burgers and steak sandwiches. The gaol/museum was next, the lady at the front office was lovely and said we could bring pup through too. It was surprisingly big, with lots of history and artefacts. We moved pretty quickly as Pup was starting to crack it, fair enough though, he's been really good and it's pretty warm today. We headed back to Broken Hill, I grabbed my magnet from the info centre and took Pup back to the trailer while Ben went and grabbed some groceries and stock up. There isn't another woolies until Barossa, there are some foodmarts/IGA, but want to make sure we could get what we wanted for the next bit. I got some schoolwork done (it never ends) and looked at some activity options over the coming days. We've put a load of washing through and are just chilling at the campsite now.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 6

    Hello South Australia!

    11. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Another pack up and another morning where the boy has the shits about getting out of bed. Treated ourself to a cafe breakfast this morning, The Silly Goat popped up as a good, dog friendly spot, also the lady when we checked in recommended it. Great spot! The server was fabulous, I loved his blue eyeshadow and sparkly nails. Ben had a breaky burger and I had the veg burger and an iced latte, damnnn it was all so good! Back to the car and on the road for half an hour, we've reached the border! Hello South Australia!Weiterlesen

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    Peterborough, the Steamtown

    11. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

    It was a few hours to Peterborough and a whole lot of nothing in between. We did get stopped at a quarantine spot and had our mixed lettuce leaves taken. I had some schoolwork to do so I'd downloaded a bunch of documents the night prior so I could be productive, and I actually was! Made the trip fly, for me at least. We got into Peterborough and headed for the information centre at Steamtown. We had a look at some flyers and booked in for the Sound and Light show tonight, dogs welcome! We also have access to do the day tour tomorrow, we're planning on doing that after pack up in the morning. Off to the caravan park to set up. A small park, but it has a nice feel to it, the breeze blowing through is making it feel much nicer than the 30 degrees it apparently was. We decided to head out and have a bit of a wander around, it's not a huge town at all, but it's quirky. We went to each of the 4 individually designed Peterborough signs, walked along the main street, into the heritage railway carriage and stopped for a photo with the statue of Bob the railway dog. He would've had a much harder life than pup, someone remind him of that next time he's carrying on please. We checked out the local pubs for dinner options and weren't really feeling it, so we headed back to the trailer for a lie down. Our tummies have been a bit off today too, so the quiet time was much needed. Ben cooked up steak and we got ourselves ready for the tour. There was another dog absolutely going off when we got there, so we thought this was going to be interesting. We kept pup away from her and noticed the owners put a muzzle on. We had a chat with another couple who had travelled from Tassie, via Geelong, Mount Gambier, Hahndorf, pretty much the same as us, but in reverse. Just before we went through for the tour, I went and asked the old fella with the dog if he'd rather be at the front or back of the group. He was very apologetic, saying he's hoping she'll calm soon as she's not yet 2. He was so kind and I tried to reassure him, said Titan was much the same, similar breeds etc, he was really good about it. That lead to a bunch of the other oldies asking about Pup and saying how nice we were about it. We weren't really sure what to expect with this tour, definitely right up Cameron's alley. There was a steam train lit up with its Whistle going with a bit of a story before we moved on. We went out into the yard and climbed onto the carriage on the turntable, and made ourselves comfortable. It was essentially set up like the movies where they played clips about Peterborough and its history, while lighting up the locos and carriages surrounding it. It was pretty cool, definitely different! After the tour we headed back to camp for a snack, a shower for ben and bed time.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 7

    Steamtown morning tour

    12. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

    It got quite cold overnight and the wind was absolutely blowing this morning. A big change from 32 degrees yesterday to a top of 18 today. We battled it while packing up then headed back to Steamtown for our morning tour. We were taken out to John who keeps the tours looping around the Roundhouse and rail yard, you just join wherever he is and loop until you've seen it all. Quite a few train buffs in our group, with lots of questions and facts to share. I said Ben was doing some professional learning while on holidays, he laughed but would've preferred to 'be anywhere else' 😅 Pup was a very good boy, rugged up in his flanno. Once we'd finished our loop tour, we popped into the diesel shed to look at more exhibits and information. I felt like the tours were really good value and were the right amount of time, it didn't drag out (apart from when the buffs wouldn't stop talking ha!), and it didn't feel rushed either. Back on the road to Hawker then on to Rawnsley Park Station tonight.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 7

    Rawnsley Park Station

    12. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

    We had a quick drive by the Giant Red gum at Orroroo before stopping at Hawker, one of the main entry towns to the Flinders Ranges. Quick stop at the visitors info centre then late lunch at Flinders Food Co. We shared lamb tacos and another burger, bloody good. I had a sneaky cocktail too. Ben looked up fuel prices in the area and decided to top up before moving on, especially since we were haemorrhaging fuel with the 40km winds today. A few quick photo stops - Arkaba Hill and Elder range lookout, then on to Pugilist hill. When we got to the bottom of the hill, it said 'impassable if towing', we debated unhooking the camper before I realised on our off-line maps, the 4wd track we do tomorrow overlaps pretty close, so we'll have a proper look tomorrow. We checked in at Rawnsley and went to find a campsite, we found a nice spot looking at Rawnsley Bluff, part of Wilpena Pound. We'd already decided to order takeaway pizza from the Woolshed restaurant, a km up the road where the cabins are, on the way back we stopped off at a lookout and took a few snaps. A pretty quiet night tonight again, surprisingly have some 4g, so we've been able to google/scroll do the usual things. We do have some downloaded movies and TV shows ready for when we don't have service. I've also been trying to keep up with The Block drama. Pup had quite the tantrum tonight, moody boy, it was prettu funny. We're doing the Arkepena track tomorrow before heading to Willow Springs for 2 nights.Weiterlesen