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  • Day 4

    Diving premieres

    March 27, 2023 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Today we were spending most of our day on a boat or under water.
    In the morning we got onto our small diving boat and we were driven near a completly empty beach where our diving adventure began. Becca found nemo during the first dives of her open water certificate and Remo did the underwater navigation exercises for his advanced open water course. After two dives we enjoyed our thai lunch on the way back to koh lipe where we both had to study theory for our dive courses.
    During the sunset Remo got into the water for his first night dive. It was an incredible experience to find so much wildlife in the light beams of the flashlights. Shotly before terminating the dive we were covering all flashlights up to discover another miracle in the darkness of the sea. Waving our hands made biolumiscent plankton shine like the sparks of a campfire.
    Last but not least we ended our day together again with a nice dinner on the beach.
    Hüt hemmer di meisti ziit ufem boot oder under Wasser verbrocht.
    Am Morge simmer vomne chline Tauchboot id nöchi vomne leere Sandstrand brocht worde wo üses Tauchabemtür agfange het. D Becca het de Nemo gfunde währemd ere erste beide Tauchgäng vom Open Water Kurs und de Remo hett under Wasser Navigationsübige für sin Advanced Openwater Kurs gha. Noch zwei Tauchgäng hemmer unterwegs en feine Thai Zmittag gesse. Zrugg au Koh Lipe hend mir denn no d Theorie Lektione gmacht.
    Rechtziitig bim Sunneuntergang isch de Remo abtaucht zu sim erste Nachttauchgang. Es isch e unglaublich schöni erfahrig gsi zum all die Tier im Lichtstrahl vo de Taschelampe z entdecke. Zum Schluss vom Tauchgang sind alli Taschelampe abdeckt worde zum s nögste Wunder vom dunkle Ozean z entdecke. Bim bewege vo üsne Händ hets bioluminiszierends Plankton gha wo glüchtet hend wie d Funke vomne Lagerfür.
    Abgrundet hemmer de wunderschöni Tag zeme mit emne gmüetliche Znacht am Strand.
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