  • Dag 35

    Santiago Chile

    7 december 2019, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    I have spend 3 nights in Santiago. I am now on my way to Argentina. Santiago is the capital of Chile and this is the place where most demonstrations takes place. On my way to the hotel from the airport on Friday. I had a first contact with the people on the streets. The driver gave them some money for passing. No police were to be seen. My hotel was just around the major demonstrations spot.
    The center of Santiogo is much suffering under the situation. Many shops, banks, official buildings like universities or libraries are close. Most of them reinforce their entrance with woods or metal plates. Many grafitti can been seen against the Chilean president and the police. However, in some places life just continues.

    In order to be safe I have taken a city tour with a guide. Santiago is not much of a excellence. I was not really impress.

    The second day, I decided to take a guided tour to the Andes, Laguna des Andes. After 2 hours drive we arrive to a beautiful blue lake at 2300m in winter this the famous place for skiing. Just 1 mountain away to Argentina. During this trip I learned a lot about Chile geography and we talked about the political situation.
    The demonstrations remembered me to the one in France with the gilet jaune.

    Check my second posting for the lake pictures
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