• Day 9

    7. Vancouver BC to Whitehorse, Yukon

    August 11, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 54 °F

    The drive from Vancouver, British Columbia to Whitehorse, Yukon (just 2 hours outside of Alaska) covered 1,496 miles and took 4 days.

    We encountered huge expanses of unpopulated wilderness that was dotted with occasional and infrequent small towns that often had one run-down, dilapidated, (yet fully booked, no-vacancy) motel, or no accommodations at all. The lack of lodging options forced us to modify our original plan to include a few days of 10-11 hours in the car.

    We stopped on the way out of Vancouver at Whistler/Blackcomb Mountain to check it out. We've skied several mountains in Canada but not this one, so we wanted to take a peek.

    The first day of this part of our journey was beautiful. The remainder of the long drive thereafter was honestly a bit tedious. Not just because of the distance, we've done that before, but mostly due to the topography. While our route was filled with lakes and rivers, our view of anything other than the road before us was usually obstructed by thick dense forest, the edge of which came right up to the highway. Kudos to Craig for "captaining" our voyage and remaining steady and focused behind the wheel.

    We stretched our legs a bit in Whitehorse which is the capital of Yukon, taking in a stroll along the Yukon River and a visit to McBride Museum before heading to Skagway Alaska on Friday.
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