julio - agosto 2023
2 travellers enjoying a 'lazy' 1100 mile ride from the Southern end of Britain to the Northern end and then over to The Orkneys. Raising money for SWALLOW
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  • 35huellas
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  • 41días
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  • 1,3kmillas
  • 333millas
  • Día 23

    The whistling gatepost

    6 de agosto de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Whistling gate posts are a thing in these parts apparently. Stopped for a wild wee (comfort break / call of nature if you prefer) and heard someone playing the flute. On investigation it was the gate post with the howling North wind (yes it's still blowing) blowing through the holes. Very musical.

    First castle of the day was at Warkworth. Local folklore says that it was pretty much undamaged until the late 18th century when a local farmer joined the cricket club. He hit so many sixes against it that eventually the walls started crumbling. It's never been habitable since. But that's just oral tradition. Who knows. It looks pretty rough now.

    Bamburgh Castle is as spectacular as the last time we cycled past. A good lunch spot though you have to make sure you put your lunch on the bench to stop anyone nicking the seat before you can sit down.

    We passed the birthplace of Earl Grey tea and had our photo taken by some passing Americans.

    Stunning views across to Lindisfarne that my phone camera can't do justice to. Such a beautiful coastline even if the strong headwind is getting on my nerves.

    My nose got sunburnt today!
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  • Día 24

    Evading the border patrols

    7 de agosto de 2023, Escocia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    We made it. A dash across the Union Bridge and we were in Scotland. A quick flash of the passports to immigration (see photo's of the officials looking a bit brassed off) and we were welcomed in.

    In case you didn't know the Union Bridge is the oldest suspension bridge in the world. We've crossed it both ways now and it's still there.

    Scotland disnae feel any different really. Still a headwind so strong that at times it was hard making any progress. BBC forecast a light breeze but at times it was 25mph plus in our faces and getting stronger as the day went on. Exhausting to mind, body and spirit.

    Had morning cafe break surrounded by butterflies that landed around and on us in the glorious sunshine.

    Two fords. One so deep we had to swim (or use the footbridge if you're a southern softie) and one that was walkable/rideable. No accidents and no dislocated fingers this year!

    Stunning views over the far mountains and the sea and the first genuine piece of Scottish litter. Irnbru has so much to answer for. Now for a deep fried Mars Bar and bed.
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  • Día 25

    Rev. Diana

    8 de agosto de 2023, Escocia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    How often does one meet a tattooed Reverend called Diana?

    We set off from our glorious hostel at Dunbar with its retro 1960s style including a record player and LPs in the bedrooms. Dunbar, incidentally, is the birthplace of John Muir who is worth a google search if you don't know him.

    Whilst I turned back to return the key I found in my pocket Amanda found an interesting person to talk to. A Franciscan priest with a dog collar. 'What do we call you?' asked Amanda. 'Just call me Diana' was the reply. I dared to ask the significance of the tattoos. The one arm has a copy of a picture from Bede's work of St Cuthbert (local chappy) and the other of St Francis (current climate significance). She didn't charge for the photo's either.

    Approaching Edinburgh, 1st-aider Amanda very competently took charge at the scene of an accident and whilst having lunch we saw the ambulance on it's way to hospital with the casualty.

    Didn't realise coal mining reached so close to Edinburgh as we passed a mining museum just outside Musselburgh.

    Incidentally the other photo is of a typical Dunbar resident. He wasn't very chatty.
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  • Día 26

    Delicious canoli

    9 de agosto de 2023, Escocia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    A rest day. Bit of repair at the local bike shop, lots of reading, planning our cafe stops for the next few days and lovely food.

    The canolo latte was divine; the garlicky yogurt with poached eggs was really scrummy and the orange hot chocolate was as good as the Mexican chilli hot chocolate. Lemon cheesecake was equally brilliant.

    And all just up the road from the Eric Liddell Community Centre.

    Tomorrow we move into the mountains
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  • Día 27

    For all those on a family journey

    10 de agosto de 2023, Escocia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    The Scottish Highways Agency has got a very clear message for children on long car journeys. We saw it today. BELT UP IN THE BACK. Got it. Loud and clear.

    Apart from the normal.Edinburgh potholes (never less than 3 inches deep) it was a joy navigating along cycle routes out of the city heading for South Queensferry. Then an even more joyous ride over the Forth Road Bridge which is now closed to cars. Beautifully peaceful with the sound of the birds and just an occasional bus passing by. And stunning views to the iconic railway bridge. We lingered in the ethereal atmosphere.

    Majestic Tea Room in Inverkeithing is a must on any itinerary. Everything baked in house and very tasty.

    A struggle for some on the hot hills with sunshine and no breeze but more beautiful views over Loch Leven and the Tay.

    47 more miles, 860m of ascent. Not long now to midge country. You know that wind I whinged about for days and days? I want it back to keep the Smidgies at bay! We have our midgenets at the ready.

    In case you are wondering the last photo is me cycling up.that hill a second time having just ridden Manda's bike up and then going back for mine. That's the way to do it Mr Punch.
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  • Día 28

    Panic sets in

    11 de agosto de 2023, Escocia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Just seen this item on BBC News

    Irnbru drivers going on strike. There's a rush to the shops to snaffle dwindling supplies. Reminds me of toilet rolls and eggs a couple of years ago. Heading for Tesco now.

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  • Día 28

    The 11th commandment

    11 de agosto de 2023, Escocia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    There are rules and there are commandments (for staying married whilst cycling together). The 11th commandment was laid down today
    It goes something like this:

    'Thou shalt not express thine inner happiness whilst accompanying me up this steep hill on which I am dying.'

    Keeping this commandment will entail no longer whistling Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire while cycling up a hill with a gradient of more than 5%. I'm learning as I go.

    Stopped to take a wee photy of the little brown guy crossing the road. Unfortunately my bike was parked in such a way that when a car passed it moved out slightly and caused the demise of said road crosser. At least he is now immortalised.

    Ice cream at the chippy in Dunkeld where the derp-fried sweet of the week is Snickers. Had to leave there fast before the temptation was too much.

    Haggis, neeps and tatties for dinner. Haggis was locally caught and well hung. The guy in the spirit shop had clearly imbibed too much of the local hooch. He didn't look at all healthy!
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  • Día 29

    Get thee behind me, Stephen

    12 de agosto de 2023, Escocia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    It's a funny thing that so many conversations seem to contain almost scriptural sayings. Now for the context....I am the Routemaster....Manda is the Pacemaker. If I forget and forge ahead I am reminded of our roles. Occasionally it becomes necessary to be a little more forceful; hence the phrase 'Get thee behind me'.

    Over Killicrankie Pass and past Blair Atholl where the Duke has the only private army in the UK.

    Then on to Drumochter Pass with the warning 'No food or shelter for 30km'. You were warned. About 10 miles uphill to the top, the highest point on the Scottish Cycle Network'. And a rhyme unfinished as yet. Incidentally the warning was not true. Today's free food was raspberries by the side of the path.

    Scotland that has lots of heather
    Also has some really wet weather
    So you suit up, push and pedal
    Really deserving of a medal
    When you get right to the top
    Enjoy the view and have a stop.

    Any additions welcomed.

    Shinty at Newtonmore was a new one, like hockey on steroids crossed with golf.
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  • Día 30

    A message from Squirrel Nutkin

    13 de agosto de 2023, Escocia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    You will all be happy to hear that Squirrel Nutkin is alive and well and living in Moy. We saw him today and he wanted to set the record straight. Apparently he did not do the nasty things to the owl that Beatrix Potter said he did and his tail is still intact. It was good to see him.

    Past ruined buildings on hilltops til we reached Aviemore and some foragers collecting chantarelles. Other pretty fungi were seen and then we met Malcolm Campbell in his Lone Star State shirt. We cycled an chatted about life in general and Texas in particular.

    Another summit and then Moy with a long empty road and beautifully carved seats in the middle of nowhere. And that red squirrel sighting!

    Through Carrbridge, home of the World Porridge Championships and on to Inverness. 55 miles and a well-deserved rest. Evening all!
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  • Día 31

    You heard it on the shipping forecast

    14 de agosto de 2023, Escocia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    We'd only ever heard of Cromarty from the Met Office shipping forecast but today we found it at the tip of the Black Isle north of Inverness. Pretty little place with a deepwater harbour sheltering oil rigs and suchlike. And it has a ferry, across to Nigg, that will take one larger van or two smaller cars. If your van is too big you don't get on! We hopped on and met some lovely Spanish people Victor and Neus. Their chatting helped Amanda not to feel seasick.

    On the way we watched a shrew shuffling for food and quoting Shakespeare. Something about not being tamed?

    The telegraph pkles are so old that they even have moss growing on them.

    Then the beach at Baltinore. Long, sandy, warm with crystal clear North Sea water to swim in. Like a bath it was.
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