• Dag 5

    On the Move Brussels - Hamburg

    19 november 2023, Belgien ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

    Waiting at the Brussels Midi for the first of four trains today. Probably our most complicated journey. The train from Brussels Nord is a reserved seat so the only fixed point. The rest are subject to making the required changes on time. Fingers crossed.

    Hopefully our walk earlier today is not a portent of things to come. Epic fail as we turned completely the wrong way following our nose back to the square from last night.

    So, reserved seat train cancelled due to German train strike 😀 Now on a different train to Vervier Centre to catch a train to Aachan. Unreserved and slower. Travelling hopefully onward.

    Third train of the day successfully caught. On our way from Verviers to Aachan.

    Fourth train: Aachan to Koeln Ehrenfeld our first double decker.

    Fifth train just a short hop across Cologne to Koeln hbf. Now on our final train of the day direct to Hamburg. Hurrah.

    Arrived only half hour or so later than planned journey. Fought our way through roadworks to what seems on first sight a perfectly reasonable hotel. Already biased in favour as given a free drink on arrival.
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