  • Jour 20

    Back to Chirk

    5 septembre 2017, Pays de Galles ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Leaving Llangollen this morning the sky is looking a bit greyer than yesterday. The neighbours were heading off early so they would get a clear run down the narrow sections, and when we heard them go we thought we may as well follow. Turns out quite a few people had this same idea and the one way section had more of a holdup than yesterday at lunchtime. Never mind it didn't take long and we had a nice run down to Trevor.

    We pulled up at Trevor and walked across the aqueduct, till almost halfway (ok well maybe I only made it a little way) man it's high and even where there's a railing the gaps are huge.

    Another eerie, foggy ride across the aqueduct, and on then down to Chirk! We parked were we hoped was the closest place to the Castle. We've been in the Uk for three weeks and haven't seen a castle yet. We have seen them just haven't visited one. Had a toss up whether to get the bikes off or just walk. Seemed like it would all be uphill, cause nobody builds castles in the valley do they? So we opted to walk.

    Found the gates ok and then followed where we thought the signs pointed, after a little way, no more signs and we weren't sure if we were on the right track or not. We flagged down a Jag going past, who just waved and keep going, Arsehole!

    The next car a cute little convertible Merc, pulled up for us and yes we were on the right track and would we like a lift. You bet we would, lovely man! Thank goodness, it was still a fair way up to the castle.

    We saw the Jag guy when we got there and Graham made himself know to him. Told him we were only after directions. Ha ha he kept trying to talk to us every time we ran into him.

    Our national trust membership got us free entry, Yah. this castle is 700 years old and what a beauty it is. They had all the staterooms open and volunteers in all the rooms to give you a bit of information, or answer any questions. It was amazing and we throughly enjoyed it, the staterooms, the tower, the dungeon and the gardens.

    We spend about three hours there, which is well above our usual attention span! We'd lost our friendly driver though so had to figure out how to walk back to the boat. Getting direction from one of the gardeners, it seemed like we could walk straight down the hill to town. Wasn't quite that simple, but certainly quicker then following the road!
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