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  • Day 76

    Go South My Children!!

    March 2, 2023 in New Zealand

    At long last Waymaker is on its way. This new pilgrimage is through the South Island. "Lord, may Your will be fulfilled through us as we go."

    Over the past month we have had "Waymaker" decals put on the front and rear of her, the 40,000km service oil and filters done, front window stone ships delt to, and the Rotorua RV Centre repaired a hole in the top rear corner of the roof (ooops), repair to a blind, put the legs back into the side shader, plus a few other small jobs.

    In an hour we leave to have her detailed and waxed, then we start our journey south.
    We cross to Picton on the 1pm sailing on the 11th... we have no idea where we are going, or over the next 3-4months what adventures we will have with Him. What we do know is our cry.. "here we are Lord, use us!" It is all Up2Him.

    Many many thanks to Terry, Raewyn, and staff at Keswick Christian Camp Rotorua for accomodating us, to our Pastor's JP and Karen Metcalf of Rotorua C3 in covering us and standing with us, Tracey for just being there when needed, and our many wonderful friends who have visited, dined, advised us, and prayed for us... a huge "thank you!"
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