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  • Hari 117

    Homeward Bound

    3 Desember 2023, Selandia Baru ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    After three wonderful months at the Athol Prayer and Praise Centre we are now heading north towards Rotorua/Tauranga.
    What a wonderful experience we have had.. many thanks go to Sue and Carl van Schreven who invited us.
    Although we have prayed with/for many who visited the Centre, we found the most effective times were when we would invite people back to Waymaker for a cuppa, and suddenly they would "open up" and prayers and tears would follow... very precious. Occasionally, a couple would be leaving while we would be inviting another in.
    The Athol community just accepted us and loved on us... totally awsome! The locals would toot and wave when passing.
    Our travel home is not without its ministry. We have been ministering to a lady here in Cromwell and have a pastor to visit and pray for tomorrow in Twizel.... wonderful.. thank you Lord.
    We cross over on the 13th and will be back in Rotorua on the 15th for a few days... with church on Sunday.
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