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  • Dag 3

    Linz Austria

    10 maj, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    I got off to a good start this morning after breakfast which consisted of eggs and more eggs. Good job I could have cold meats. See the photo.
    The roads were a bit busy and got very busy as I got closer to Munich then everything stopped completely so for about ten kilometres I was making my way between two rows of cars until eventually I reached where everything was being turned off the autobahn due to an accident. My bike sat nav is useless in such situations but I had my phone mounted in a way I could access Google maps which showed me a way around the problem. Unfortunately the way around took me close to the city centre with even more heavy traffic.
    Once cleared the roads are nearly all unrestricted so you must watch for very fast cars coming from behind when you overtake.
    I stopped three times (every two hours) for a coffee and a rest. On the third I met a biker who is a tattoo artist. He must love his work. See the photo.
    Now I'm at Linz on the bank of the Danube in Austria and I'm making my first major change of plan as the Hungarian friend I was planning to visit tomorrow is out of town so I'm going to visit Denis and Natasha in Croatia who live on the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. It's another long ride but I'm getting used to it now.
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